Introducing the letter s. Reflection on learning activities

Lesson topic

Goals of the teacher's activities
organize work to familiarize yourself with the letter s; teach how to perform sound analysis of the word “fish”, observe the positional change of vowels and consonants (hard - soft); create conditions for the development of phonemic hearing, memory, attention, speech.

Planned educational outcomes

Subject: know the letter s; are able to perform sound analysis of the words “fish”, “smoke”, “whiskers”, “mouse”.
Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD):
Cognitive: logical - classify objects (combine into groups according to an essential characteristic).
Regulatory: accept and maintain the learning task; plan your action; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher and peers.
Communicative: be able to form communicative speech actions, constructive ways of interacting with others.
Personal: express a positive attitude towards the learning process; show attention, surprise, and a desire to learn more.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

They stood up quietly, fell silent,
You got everything you need.
Prepared for the lesson
Otherwise there is no use to it.
Hello, sit down,
Don't turn around anymore.
We'll start the lesson now
He is interesting to you.
Listen carefully
You will definitely understand everything.

2. Statement of the educational task.

How does the dough puff? (Puff-puff.)
The teacher reads a poem by V. Tatarinov.
In the darkest attic lives the shaggy Pykh.
In the attic, in a draft, among forgotten books.
On a summer night in the silence he looks at pictures under the moon. His little eyes burn like coals in a fire,
It instills fear in sparrows and little mice.
He came to us from distant places,
He drinks the rain and eats the wind.
He is not afraid of heights, he is not a bird, not an animal...
Pykh will introduce you to a new letter and the sound it represents. In addition, he has many interesting tasks for you.
Find and color the fish that managed to avoid the shark for dinner today. (Gold fish.)

3.Discovery of new knowledge.

Sound analysis of the word "fish".
“Read” the first sound in the word “fish”. (Rrrfish.)
What sound is this? (Hard consonant sound.) What chip will we use to denote the sound? (Blue.) Name the soft pair, ([p"].)
“Read” the second sound in the word “fish”. (Ryyyba.)
What do you know about this sound? (We denote the vowel with a red chip.)
“Read” the third sound in the word “fish”. (Rybba.)
What sound is this? (Hard consonant sound)
Mark it with the appropriate marker. (Blue chip.)
Name its soft pair, ([b"].)
“Read” the last sound in the word “fish”. (Fishaaa.)
What do you know about this sound? (We denote the vowel with a red chip.)
The sound [s] is indicated by the letter s.
Introducing a new letter.
Look at examples of the letter s. What does she look like?
And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas.
A. Shibaev
There is this letter. Here is an ax, a log nearby
At the end and in the middle. It turned out exactly what we needed.
At the end of cabbage, rutabaga, the letter Y turned out,
And in the middle there are melons. We all should know it.
E. Grigoriev V. Stepanov
Pykh loves the letter s. He knows a huge number of words with the letter s. What words can you name?
Where in the words did the sound [s] occur? (In the middle and at the end of words.)
Name words that start with [s]. Let's try to find S.I. Ozhegov in the dictionary. What conclusion can be drawn? (In Russian there are no words that begin with [ы].)
Here's what's absolutely true:
I don't like being first
Y does not begin words -
Apparently this is her character. T. Sinitsyna

4. Fastening
1. Work according to the textbook. Differentiated work with collective verification.
For reading students:
Read the poem by S. Marshak.
For non-reading students:
Do the work on individual cards.
Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap,
Mila dropped the soap. I didn’t wash the bear with soap.
Underline the letter s in the words. (lit.)
Conclusion: you need to look through the letters in a row from left to right.
2. Game “Be careful.”
The teacher reads a poem by M. Plyatskovsky.
Who has a mustache?
The walrus and the fox,
The beaver and the mole,
The cat and the whale.
Moths have mustaches
In seals, in beetles.
The hare and the cricket have
In catfish and hamster.
Tigers and mice have
Lions and hedgehogs have...
Even dad for show
I grew a mustache!
Who listened carefully? Who has a mustache? (Walrus, fox, beaver, mole, cat, whale, moths, seals, beetles, hare, cricket, catfish, hamster, tiger, mice, lions, hedgehogs, dad.)
Who else do you know with a mustache? (Squirrel, lynx, etc.)
Sound-letter analysis of the word “mustache”.

Physical education minute
Independent work. Sound-letter analysis of the word “smoke”.
Indicate sounds with chips and letters.
Pykh loves to play the game "One-Many". You need to form the plural.
Try to explain why Pykh loves this game.
The letter Y has a custom,
Praise and honor for him:
The letter Y can calmly, Standing at the end, multiply objects: Table - tables, fence - fences, Floor - floors, pattern - patterns.
Pykh loves different transformations. And now he turns the cannibal into a mouse. Do you want to help him? (Porcupine, zebra, stork, tiger, crayfish, kangaroo, grass snake, giraffe, eagle owl, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, mouse.)
Work according to the textbook.
Try to guess what the picture should be called so that the number of sounds in its name corresponds to the number of cells on the diagram. (Mouse.)
Sound-letter analysis of the word “mouse”.
Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word “mouse” using chips and letters.
Try turning the word “mouse” into the word “fly” (“midge”, “bear”).
What needs to be changed besides the letter?

5. Lesson summary.

There is only one task left in Pykh's piggy bank - a crossword puzzle. Complete it.
Which worker letter did you meet?
How is she different from everyone else?
What sound does the letter s make?
Y lives in the vowel family -
Sounds pure, clear, clear,
And, like any vowel -
Now we already know about it -
Loves Y to agree to stand up,
To form a syllable:
Exit, soap, pumpkin, dust,
Mice, thoughts, cheese and reality.
In the alphabet Y is important,
As if food needs salt.
T. Sinitsyna

6. Reflection.

[Download the file to see the picture]

Literacy lesson 1st grade

Topic: The letter s, denoting the vowel sound [s](Slide 1)


1. Educational:

    Introduce the letter denoting the vowel sound [ ы], learn to observe

positional change of consonant sounds: hard soft consonants; repeat the concepts of vowels and consonants;

    Work on developing phonemic awareness

    Practicing reading techniques; consolidate concepts Who? What?;

    Work on the concept of plural and singular;

    Work on the lexical meaning of words; on drawing up proposals; passing repetition.

2. Developmental:

    Replenishment of vocabulary;

    Development of students' speech; related correct speech, attention;

    Development of thinking, logic; memory,

    Development of small arm muscles;

3. Educational:

    Instilling a caring attitude towards educational materials.

    Introducing children to Russian literature;

    Fostering a culture of communication

    Introduce the concept of “contradiction”, instill tolerance for other people’s opinions (when working with the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”)


    textbook “ABC” (1–4) according to the “School 2100” program; “My friend Primer” according to O. Popova’s system

    typing notebook;

    syllable table;

    illustration of riddles;

    to highlight a new sound;

    to characterize the studied sounds;

    Means of education: computer, multimedia projector, screen.

    During the classes

      Organizing time

      Repetition of learned material

      Listening to the recording of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”

      Retelling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”, introducing the concept of “contradiction” (Slides 2-5)

      Analysis of the sentence “This is how the friendship of the fox and the crane ended”

    What can you tell from the sentence pattern?

    Why did the fox and the crane stop visiting each other?

    What should they have done to remain friends?

    Or maybe let it be like this: in order to be friends with them, let the crane learn to eat from a plate, and the fox from a jug?

    This means that if you want to please someone, you need to choose not what you love yourself, but what this person loves. You don’t need to change someone else to become like you, but you need to accept them as they are.

      Updating of reference knowledge

    1. Repetition of learned material.

    What helps us communicate? (Speech.)

    What does our speech consist of? (From proposals.)

    What do the proposals consist of? (From words.)

    What are words made of? (From sounds.)

    2.Work on the table “Speech sounds” (Tape of letters)

    Use a basic diagram to describe the sounds of speech.

    How are consonants different from vowels?

    How are stressed vowels different from unstressed vowels?

    How are sounds indicated in writing? (Using letters)

    3. Repeating the letters of the studied letters on the tape. (Slide 6)

    Imagine these are the names of aliens. How should they be written? (with a capital letter)

    4. Memory developmentand observation
    - Let's continue the lesson with an exercise to develop memory and observation. Look at the screen and try to remember everything you see.
    (The teacher shows the slide to the children for 5-7 seconds)
    5 . Logical exercises (understanding the meaning of prepositions of place)
    Teacher: Look at a number of illustrations. How can you call these objects in one word? ( Animals)

    Slide 7.
    -Did you know that the word “animal” is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language (the language of our ancestors). Animal - from the word belly, which means life. What groups can these animals be divided into? (Wild and domestic. Wild - hare, wolf, bear; domestic - cow, dog.)
    - Who is drawn in front of the wolf? (A hare is drawn in front of the wolf.)
    - And after the cow? (After the cow there is a bear.)
    - Who is between the hare and the cow? (There is a wolf between the hare and the cow.)
    Game "Attention!"

    Remember the location of the animals, close your eyes.
    Slide 8.

    What has changed? (The bear and the dog changed places. There is no hare. The wolf came first.)

    6 . Sound analysis of words
    - Guess the riddle.
    Behind the trees and bushes

    The flame flashed quickly.

    It flashed, ran,

    There is no smoke, no fire. (Fox)

    - It's a fox

    Slide 9.

    By what signs did you guess that we were talking about a fox? ( Children's answers)

    - Name the second sound. [And].
    - What sound is this and why? (Vowel, because it is sung, stretches, and there is no obstruction in the mouth)
    - What other vowel sounds do you already know? ([o], [y], [and].)

    7. Speech warm-up

    1) Gymnastics for lips and tongue “Once upon a time there was a tongue...”

    Once upon a time there was a tongue. One morning he got up and looked out the window. I looked to see if there was sun in the sky and there were puddles on the ground. Tongue drank tea with delicious jam and ran outside for a walk. The tongue rode on a swing. And when evening came, he went home and went to bed.

    2) Breathing exercise (inhale-exhale while holding your breath)

    3) Working on a tongue twister (slide 10)

    Mom washed Mila with soap.

    Pronounce a tongue twister, emphasizing the sounds [m], [m,].

    Say the tongue twister quietly and then loudly.

    Say the tongue twister with different intonations:



    Fun, cheerful

    Highlight the Word that answers the question:

    What did mom do?

    Who did mom wash?

    What did mom wash Mila with?

    - Why do we learn to pronounce tongue twisters?

    (We learn to pronounce words clearly and distinctly when communicating with other people.)

    4. Syllable-sound analysis of words:"Mila" and "soap"

    How are the schemes different? How are the words different? “Mila” and “soap”?

    - What sound indicated to us the softness of the consonant [m,]?

    What sound indicated to us the hardness of the consonant sound [m]? Say it.

    What can you say about the sound [s]? (Sung, drawn out, pronounced in a voice without hindrance

      Working on new material. Introducing Sound[s] and letters

    1. Setting the topic of the lesson

    - Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with another letter and the sound it stands for. You will learn to write new letters.

    2. Phonetic exercise

    How does the dough puff? (Puff-puff)

    5.Game “Find the same sound in words”

    - What is the same sound in the answer words for riddles?

    1) Riddles(Appendix 2)

    2) Work on highlighting sound

    – Look carefully at the pictures. Let's voice them. What unites them?

    (Sound[s], when we speak, we make sounds.)

    3) Working with drawings

    – Look at the drawing.

    - What is this?

    – How many vowel sounds?

    - How many syllables?

    - Why?

    – Let’s designate this vowel sound on the diagram.

    - Give a description.

    – Look at the drawing.

    - What is this?

    – How many vowel sounds?

    - How many syllables?

    - Why?

    – Let’s designate these vowel sounds on the diagram.

    – Characteristics.

    – Characteristics of other sounds.

    - Emphasis.

    4) Bottom line

    ы – gives [ы] – it is a vowel, can be stressed or unstressed.

    5) Show lettersprinted and capital letters, its analysis (Letter writing sample)

    6) Work in pairs(on the children’s desks there are sheets of paper with poems)

    - Find and circle the letter s in the words of the poems (3 levels of difficulty: 1, 2, 3) - according to students’ choice:

      Physical education minute

      Reinforcing the material learned

      1. Practicing reading techniques (Slide 11)

    - Read the syllables.

    ya ayi yr ryr ry try

    ay yao yg gyg you pr

    ou yoi yt tyt py rpy

    oo oay yp pyp you're a bird

    – How are consonant sounds pronounced before the sound [s]?

    – What vowel sound gives the softness of the consonant?

      Working in a typing notebook

    – The sound [s] is indicated by the letter s .

    - Let's print this letter:

    y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

    – Remember and name the word with the letter s .

      Work in "Propis" No. 1, p. 24

    1. Collective analysis of the words “wasps” and “owls”, drawing up diagrams at the board and in a notebook

    2. Independent coloring of pictures for words

    3. Independent work in “Recipes” No. 1, p. 34

    Color the picture that contains the letter s. Make a model of the design you like.

    pumpkin pear plums

    Slides 12-14(One is many) Siskin, bream, owl, catfish, pike, woodpecker. ?

    Game “One-Many or “Find a Pair”

    Fox, pencils, giraffes, floor, mother, balls,.

    XII. Working in a typing notebook (slide 15)



    XIII. Lesson summary:

    - What did you learn in the lesson? Which letter did you meet?

    What does the letter Y stand for? Name all the studied vowel sounds. What is the difference between vowels and consonants?

    – What vowels can be at the end of plural words?

    - Give examples.

    XIV. Reflection:

    Show your mood with the help of suns and clouds.

    -Paste on the “Mood Sheets” the picture that matches your mood and work in the lesson.

    How does a hedgehog live?

    In summer the hedgehog eats a lot. Spiders, beetles, flies - that's his food. Then he will sleep all winter.

    And only in the spring it will crawl out of the hole.

    Literary reading lesson

    (literacy training)

    1 class

    Program "Primary school of the XXI century"

    Teacher: Kosterina Irina Nikolaevna

    Subject: Introducing the letter s. Goals : create conditions for students to become familiar with the vowel sound [s]; teach accented pronunciation of vowel sounds in sound patterns of words; develop phonemic awareness and sound pronunciation culture; to develop the ability to perceive aurally and figuratively imagine a poetic text; cultivate a culture of educational work. Planned results: Personal UUD: awareness of the role of speech in human communication; understanding the richness and diversity of linguistic means for expressing thoughts and feelings; attention to the melody of folk speech. Regulatory UUD: adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment; exercise control in the form of comparing your work with a given standard; make the necessary additions and corrections to your work if it diverges from the standard; find and correct mistakes made in words. Communicative UUD: knows how to exchange opinions, listen to another student - communication partner and teacher; discuss individual results of designing printed letters. Cognitive UUD: use simple tables and diagrams to solve specific language problems; highlight essential information from small illustrations and texts. Subject UUD: recognize and distinguish by ear from a number of spoken and spoken words only those that have a certain vowel sound; select words with a given vowel sound; distinguish between the sound [s] and the letter s.
    Equipment : drawings, sound chips, cards for group work.
      Organizing time.
    The bell is ringing louder and louder. What a trill is spreading over the world! Do you think the nightingale has sung? Not the nightingale - our lesson begins. - Let’s smile at each other, take our neighbor’s hands and wish him good luck in his search in class.
      Updating knowledge.
    - Name the first sound in these words, give it a description.

    Let's denote these sounds with letters. A, U, E, O. - What do these letters have in common? (They are all vowels and show the hardness of the consonant in front). .) - The weather was good, all the vowels went out for a walk. The children "letters" come out from behind their desks and walk around the classroom. -Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid behind the clouds, and heavy rain began. The "letters" saw the houses and rushed towards them, but the "owner" could only let his own people into them. Spread out , “letters”, each in his own house. (In blue - a, o, y; in green - i, yu, e.) - Here the sun came out again, the letter A knocked on the green house. The teacher turns to the “letter” A .-Which letter would you invite for a walk? Why? (The letter I, since the letters A and Z indicate the sound (a) after consonants.) Similar work is carried out with the remaining letters. 3. Report the topic of the lesson. R
    Look at the pictures. What do these pictures have in common?

    It turns out that we can’t combine them in any way? They are different in meaning, and also in their first sound. But they still have something in common. Let's say and listen, what sound is the same in these words? - So, what sound will we get acquainted with today? 3. Exercise in sound reproduction of words Let's determine where in the word you will hear the sound [ы]. Roof, pancakes, hole, dust, goats.Pair work: come up with more words that contain the sound [ ы ]
    - Name the words in which the letter s is at the beginning of the word. -Are there any words starting with the letter s? – We asked the owl. The owl became thoughtful and asked again, “Huh?”
    The owl has good hearing, but does not know words starting with s. Do we need it or not - Give me an answer, children? E. Blaginina.
    4. Working with word schemes.

    What kind of sound is this? - Do we need it to read words? Conclusion.
    Physical exercise.

    5. Introducing the printed letter Y (table) Working from a textbook page-Look at examples of the letter Y. What does it look like? And the poor letter Y wanders around with a stick, alas. A. Shibaev
    Here is an ax, a log next to it - The result is what we need. The result is the letter Y, We should all know it. V. Stepanov.

    6. Working with puzzles.(pair work)

    How to make a word from the word mouse - fly - midge - bear? - What conclusion can be drawn by looking at the diagrams of the composed words? (indicates the hardness of the consonant)
    7. Differentiated work with collective verification.
    Reading by well-reading children of S. Marshak's poem. - What conclusion did the painters make? For non-reading children: - Do the work using individual cards. Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap. Mila dropped the soap, Didn't wash the bear with soap. - Underline in the words letter Y.
    8.Game "Be careful" The teacher reads M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “Who has a mustache growing?” Who has a mustache growing? Moths have mustaches, walruses and foxes, seals and beetles. The beaver and the mole, the hare and the cricket, the cat and the whale. In catfish and hamster. Tigers and mice have it, lions and hedgehogs have it... Even dad grew a mustache for beauty! - Who listened carefully? Who has a mustache? -Who else do you know with a mustache? (Squirrel, lynx......) 7. Lesson summary.- What was your goal? Have you achieved your goal? - What was the topic of the lesson? - What letter did you meet? - How is it different from all the others? - What sound does the letter Y mean? Y lives in the family of vowels - Sounds pure, clear, clear, And, like any vowel - We now know about that, - Y loves to stand up to the consonants, To form a syllable: Exit, soap, pumpkin, dust, Mice, thoughts, cheese and reality. In the alphabet Y is important, as if salt is needed in food. T. Sinitsyna Reflection- Evaluate your activity in the lesson using one of the circles: green, red, yellow.

    -Thank you for your work!

    Used literature:1. L.E. Zhurova, A.O. Evdokimova “Primer”, “Ventana-Graph”, 2012. Lesson plans based on the textbook by L.E. Zhurova, A.O. Evdokimova "Primer", Volgograd, 2010. 3. Entertaining grammar. 4. Games with words.

    Photo from the lesson.

    Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

    • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
    • teach how to write the printed letter Y in squares;
    • generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

    Name what is shown in the pictures below:

    Smoke Cheese Mustache Soap

    1. Tell me, how does the ship sound? (Y-y-y!..)
    2. CHEESE, KERKIN - what sound is in all these words?

    Please remember: in the Russian language there are no words in which the sound [ы] is at the beginning of the word.

    Is the sound [Y] in the middle or at the end in the words CHEESE? WATCH? MUSTACHE? SON? CATS? WASPES? SOUPS? SMOKE?
    When we pronounce the sound [Y], air comes out of the mouth freely. Neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue prevent air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [Y].

    • Vowel or consonant sound [Y]?
    • What other vowel sounds do you know?
    • What consonant sounds do you know?

    Assignment: printed letter Y for preschoolers

    Look at the letter Y. We sewed the letter Y in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

    In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
    If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

    A tale about the letter Y

    Rat Tilda and Pyh-Pyh

    Mouse Mouse, together with his bosom friend Chicken Tsyp, sat at home in the evening and ate melon. Suddenly the door swung open and a huge red rat nicknamed Dilda burst into the room. Without saying a word, with her eyes wide in horror, Tilda darted under Mouse’s bed and screamed from there in a bad voice:

    - And what happened?

    I have someone sitting on the sofa under a blanket and breathing like this: “Puff-puff...” I beg you, help!

    Did you hear that, Chick? She beats us every day, and we have to help her! Look what a big thing..., uh, healthy, and she came running to the little ones.
    - He will eat all my supplies! - Dilda sobbed.
    “If he is gray and shaggy, mustachioed and tailed, we refuse,” said Mouse.
    - A-are you f-afraid? - Tsyp asked quietly.
    - And y-you?
    - Not with you.

    Sing, little ones, sing and farewell forever! - Lying under the bed, Dylda muttered.

    But a few minutes later the friends returned.

    That's it, Dilda, get out. “We ate your Puff-Puff,” said Mouse, wiping his mustache.
    -Who was it?
    - Yes, dough! Your mother put it under the blanket for the pie, there it was, the dough, and it puffed away.

    Tongue Twisters

    Mila washed the bear with soap,
    Mila dropped the soap.
    Mila dropped her soap
    I didn’t wash the bear with soap.

    Mila's mother washed her with soap.
    Mila didn't like soap.
    Dear Mila washed herself with soap.
    Lathered up and washed off -
    This is how Mila washed herself.

    Who is bigger?

    Name as many words as possible with the sound [ы] in the middle.
    (Answer: hole, jump, forget, smart, swim, smile, dust, be, mouse, profitable.)

    Funny poems about the letter Y for children

    The bull moos two letters: - Mu!
    - Meow! - the cat told him.
    - Heard?
    So, we cats
    We know more letters than you!
    (G. Vieru)

    Once upon a time there were jumpers.
    - We will jump to the moon!
    The trampoline threw them skyward.
    - Jumpers, where are you?
    - We are here!
    (V. Berestov)

    Y - fragrant, white, soapy soap.
    Soap looks at the dirty girl with a grin.
    If the dirty guy remembered about soap,
    Soap would finally wash it off.
    (Ya. Akim)

    This letter happens at the end and in the middle,
    At the end there are cabbage, rutabaga, and in the middle there is melon.
    We can't put a bear in a small book.
    We will replace I with Y and draw a mouse.
    (E. Grigorieva, I. Gamazkova)

    We heard from the owl,
    That there are no words starting with the letter Y.
    (E. Blaginina)

    Lesson summary:

    1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
    2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
    3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
    4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

    ; repeat the letters you have learned;

    And in the middle of the melon

    What letter is at the end of cabbage, rutabaga and in the middle of melon? (letter s). Showing the printed letter s.

    Name this letter. (s)

    What sound did you hear? (sounds)

    What can you say about this sound? (did not encounter any obstacle during pronunciation)

    A sound that does not meet an obstacle, what sound is it? (vowel)

    Open the textbooks on p. 54. Find the letter y in the textbook and point with your finger. There is no capital letter y in the Russian language.

    There is a sound diagram at the top of the page, find it. What word is hidden? (fish).

    How many sounds are in the word fish? (4)

    Let's perform a sound analysis of the word fish. Let's put our fingers on the sound diagram and read the word so that the finger gets into each house.

    We read the word and hear the first sound, etc.

    How many vowel sounds are there in a word?

    How many consonants are there in a word?

    Let's replace vowel sounds with letters, which ones? (the first vowel sound is the letter y, the second vowel sound is the letter a). Let's read the word - fish. Replace the letter a with the letter – s. Let's read the word - fish.

    What happened? (the word has changed). The number of items has also changed. The word - fish means one object, and the word - fish - two or more objects.

    Physical education minute

    One, two - head up,

    Three, four - arms wider.

    Five, six - sit down quietly.

    Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

    Our journey continues.

    5. Consolidation

    3 stop Ugadaykino station

    Reading a poem (by a student who reads well)

    We asked the painters:

    Tell the painters.

    Where to find a dozen words

    Which ones have the sound “s”?

    The painters answered us:

    There is no such case

    So that someday the sound “s”

    Happened at the beginning of a word!

    What did you learn from the poem about the sound y? (never at the beginning of a word).

    Take simple pencils. Find and underline the letter s. Count how many times the letter s is written.

    (Strong students solve the crossword puzzle)

    (Pictures – beads, goats, pumpkin, cheese)


    How many times is the letter s written in the poem? (9 times)

    Checking the crossword puzzle.

    6. Summary

    4 stop station "Terminal"

    Our journey ends. What letter did we learn about in class today?

    What did you find out about this letter? (the letter s is a vowel, always small, never at the beginning of a word).

    7. Reflection

    (The song “Blue Car” plays)

    Guys, our journey is over. Everyone worked well. Say what the lesson was like: interesting, exciting, difficult. Select an answer.

    If you liked the lesson. raise the smile emoticons” (red) if you don’t like the “sad” one (yellow).