YouTube or YouTube preparation for the Unified State Exam. Preparing for the Unified State Exam: video lessons in physics. Channel of the Center for Effective Preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam RuEGE

Mostly period of the Unified State Exam in English, 64,422 people took part, which is quite comparable to the number of participants in previous years(in 2016 – 64,050 people, in 2015 – 61,946 people). Largest number participants were recorded in Moscow (15,545), Moscow region (5335), St. Petersburg (3987) and Krasnodar region (1721).

Average test score in foreign languages ​​2017 - 2016

Year Average test score
English German French Spanish
2017 70,1 63,74 75,89 68,33
2016 69,78 66,76 73,62 74,59
2015 64,92

A source of information: "Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the 2017 Unified State Exam in foreign languages"(Official website of FIPI)

In general, there is a general stabilization Unified State Exam results in English: the average test score, the shares of participants in each of the ranges of results remained in 2017 almost at the level of 2016 (in 2016 the average test score was 69.78; in 2017 – 70.1) (see Table 1).


The number of exam participants is 1,769 people (in 2016 – 1,980 people). The results of the 2017 exam are comparable to the results of 2016. The average test score decreased slightly in 2017 compared to 2016 and amounted to 63.74 (in 2016 - 66.76). The share of those who did not achieve the minimum score did not change in 2017 and amounted to 3.36% (in 2016 – 3.29%). It should also be noted that there was a slight decrease in the number of high-scoring students - 24.56% (in 2016 - 32.77%). There are no 100-point students in the 2017 Unified State Examination (in 2016 – 1). The noted changes can only be interpreted taking into account the small number and specific characteristics of the sample of those taking the Unified State Exam in German.


The number of exam participants is 1123 people (in 2016 – 1273 people). The 2017 exam results are comparable to 2016. The average test score in 2017 increased slightly compared to 2016 and amounted to 75.89 (in 2016 - 73.62). The share of those who did not achieve the minimum score decreased slightly in 2017 and amounted to 0.43% (in 2016 – 1.25%). The share of high-scorers has increased noticeably: in 2017 – 50.81%; in 2016 – 42.31%. There are no 100-point students in the Unified State Examination in 2017 (6 in 2016). The noted changes are within the zone of statistical error, taking into account the small number and specific characteristics of the sample of those taking the Unified State Exam in French.


The number of exam participants is 231 people (204 people in 2016). The 2017 exam results are comparable to 2016. The average test score decreased in 2017 compared to 2016 and amounted to 68.33 (in 2016 – 74.59). The share of those who did not achieve the minimum score in 2017 increased and amounted to 6.75% (in 2016 – 2.8%). The share of high-scorers decreased: in 2017 – 38.04%; in 2016 – 49.65%. There are no 100-point students in the 2017 Unified State Examination (2 in 2016). The noted changes are within the range of statistical error, taking into account the small sample size of those taking the Unified State Exam in Spanish.

Minimum Unified State Examination score foreign languages 2017 compared to minimum score 2016 did not change (22 points), while the proportion of graduates who did not score minimum quantity points in English, in 2017 remained almost unchanged compared to 2016 (in 2017 - 1.5%; in 2016 - 1.98%). A correction of this indicator by 0.5% may be associated both with a reduction in the share of graduates of previous years among exam participants and with the characteristics of the sample of 2017 Unified State Exam participants.

The share and number of 100-point students in 2017 compared to 2016 increased slightly - 0.9% (in 2016 - 0.06%, or 59 exam participants versus 39 in 2016). The increase in the share of 100-point students can be explained by the desire of graduates to enroll in budget places to the leading universities of the country, where the passing Unified State Examination score remains at approximately 297 points, and, therefore, increased attention to studying in English. The share of high-scorers in 2017 remained virtually unchanged compared to 2016 (2016 – 35.94%; 2017 – 36.01%)

The second academic quarter will soon end and the New Year holidays will begin. Of course, at such a time we all want to relax, watch our favorite films, eat sweets and just do nothing. For eleventh graders, this is also the beginning of the very same 2017, in which they will take the most important Unified State Exam. We have collected several YouTube channels that will help you not lose your fighting spirit during the holidays and spend a couple of hours a day usefully.

1. Online learning center channel " Foxford »

One of the largest online learning centers for schoolchildren in grades 5-11 offers a large number of video materials on the most different topics from the school course. Here you can find interactive textbooks in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, Russian language and other subjects. They are perfect for those who need to complete individual course topics entirely. Foxford also offers several video courses on preparation for the Unified State Examination for ninth graders and solutions to Unified State Exam tasks, master classes and trainings on a variety of subjects. There are not a lot of relevant materials here yet that will tell you about the 2017 exam, but you can familiarize yourself with the analysis of tasks from previous years. Some of them remain quite relevant today. Master classes and trainings are conducted by teachers, university professors and specialists from various educational centers. All tasks are presented in a clear, understandable and accessible language.

2. Creative studio channel SmartRaccoon

The creative guys from this studio came up with a very fun way to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics through a game. As you progress through the exam from Young Padawan to Master Yoda, you'll be able to compete with other players in your math skills, brush up on some topics, fill in gaps, and even win prizes. You can sign up for the game on the website. And on the SmartRaccoon YouTube channel you will find many entertaining and very funny videos that will help you deal with difficult and not so difficult tasks state exam in mathematics, and at the same time stock up on a set of secret techniques that will make the exam many times easier.

3. Online learning center channel Novisse

4. School channel " I want to know »

This channel presents, perhaps not the most relevant, but still useful video lessons on writing the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam - Part C. Teachers from the “I Want to Know” school talk in an accessible, understandable and clear manner about the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer, and provide solution algorithms And useful tips, which will help you understand what is required of an eleventh-grader and cope with the tasks perfectly. Here you can also find an analysis of the test part for some subjects. The only negative: not all tasks are relevant for preparing for the Unified State Exam 2017, but still, if you are not in the mood for coaching, but want to understand the principles of the exam and understand how to solve a particular problem, write an essay or work with text, this channel It will suit you perfectly, and the time spent watching videos will definitely not be wasted.

Channel 5 Timetostudy Courses

If you need to submit the most difficult Unified State Exams and OGE in physics and mathematics with excellent marks, then feel free to visit this channel. Nothing superfluous: just a blackboard, chalk and a cheerful young teacher who clearly and simply explains the material. On the channel you can find analyzes of tasks from the 2016 variants. In playlists, tasks are grouped thematically. For example, there is a separate block on optics, electrodynamics, algebra, geometry, and so on, which will help fill in the gaps on a particular topic. These lessons are suitable for those who, in principle, have a good understanding of physics and mathematics and do not need a figurative representation of solutions and explanations, but want to learn how to solve specific problems.

6. Channel of the Center for Effective Preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam RuEGE

This channel is suitable for those eleventh graders who desperately need to pass some subject and repeat the whole school curriculum there is no time from cover to cover. With a pen and a piece of paper, the center’s teachers actually teach you how to solve Unified State Examination tasks without delving into the theory of the subject. Here are step-by-step algorithms for solving each task from demo options. All materials are current for the 2017 exam. In fact it's yours home tutor, who will calmly and clearly explain to you what you need to do to pass the exam with a positive mark. Yes, perhaps a little dry, but very effective.

7. Online learning center channel " Italics »

On this channel you can find analysis of exam tasks in mathematics, Russian language, physics, chemistry, history and biology. The playlists are organized by subject and contain both analysis of individual tasks and video lecture notes on some topics. The big advantage of the channel is that in some subjects several versions of the same task are analyzed, which helps to trace the pattern and develop your own solution algorithm. Not all the materials here are relevant and there are not so many assignments for some subjects, but these videos will still help you save a lot on a tutor and understand some topics on your own.

8. Channel InternetUrok

If you need not so much to prepare for the Unified State Exam, but to improve your knowledge of the subject or fill in gaps on certain topics, feel free to visit this channel. It contains a huge number of video lessons on all school subjects from grades 1 to 11. Teachers will tell you in an entertaining way, using illustrative materials, about everything that you missed, understudied or forgot. Playlists are created separately for each subject and class, so it won’t be difficult for you to find the right topic. We recommend the channel not only to those who are repeating what they have studied for the exam, but also to everyone who is experiencing difficulties in any particular section or in the whole subject.

9. GetAClassRus channels by physics And mathematics

There are no such on the channel dedicated to mathematics entertaining experiences And large quantity visual materials, however, here you can find good, understandable explanations of a wide variety of, even very difficult, topics from the course school mathematics. Again, there are no solutions to problems from the Unified State Exam, but this resource will be very useful for studying, repeating and consolidating individual topics.

However, when searching for material, a child may have difficulties. Despite the fact that on the Internet today there are a huge number of Unified State Exam video lessons in mathematics, it is quite difficult to find truly interesting and useful ones among them. But don't despair! The Shkolkovo educational project presents to your attention a selection of competent and clearly presented educational video material. Specialists who have extensive professional experience and are extremely passionate about the subject took part in its preparation.

Advantages of the Unified State Exam video lesson in mathematics from Shkolkovo

  1. Availability. Watch the Unified State Exam video lesson in mathematics profile level possible anytime and anywhere. It is enough to have any device (PC, tablet, smartphone) with Internet access.
  2. Convenience. Video lessons for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics allow you to make the most efficient use of your free time from studying. You don't have to waste precious minutes traveling to a tutor or any training centers. Unified State Exam video lessons in mathematics, which you can watch at educational portal"Shkolkovo" contain all the necessary material for effective preparation for the exam. In addition, our resource allows each student to build communication with their teacher.
  3. The ability to independently organize the learning process. Each student can choose exactly the Unified State Exam video lesson in mathematics, the topic of which corresponds to the material he is studying or repeating. Thus, the graduate can quickly and easily learn new information or fill knowledge gaps.

Here are a few YouTube channels that will help you spend a couple of hours a day usefully preparing for an important test

1. Online learning center channel ""

One of the largest online learning centers for schoolchildren in grades 5-11 offers a large number of video materials on a variety of topics from the school course. Here you can find information on physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, Russian language and other subjects. They are perfect for those who need to complete individual course topics entirely. Foxford also offers several solutions to Unified State Examination tasks. There are not a lot of relevant materials here yet that will tell you about the 2017 exam, but you can familiarize yourself with the analysis of tasks from previous years. Some of them remain quite relevant today. Master classes and trainings are conducted by teachers, university professors and specialists from various educational centers. All tasks are presented in a clear, understandable and accessible language.

The creative guys from this studio came up with a very fun way to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics through a game. As you progress through the exam from Young Padawan to Master Yoda, you'll be able to compete with other players in your math skills, brush up on some topics, fill in gaps, and even win prizes. You can sign up for the game. And on the YouTube channel SmartRaccoon you will find many entertaining and very funny videos that will help you deal with difficult and not very difficult problems of the state exam in mathematics, and at the same time stock up on a set of secret techniques that will make the exam many times easier.

3. Online learning center channel

This channel presents, perhaps not the most relevant, but still useful video lessons on writing the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam - Part C. Teachers from the “I Want to Know” school talk in an accessible, understandable and clear manner about the criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer, and provide solution algorithms and useful tips that will help you understand what is required of an eleventh grader and cope with tasks perfectly. Here you can also find an analysis of the test part for some subjects. The only negative: not all tasks are relevant for preparing for the Unified State Exam 2017, but still, if you are not in the mood for coaching, but want to understand the principles of the exam and understand how to solve a particular problem, write an essay or work with text, this channel It will suit you perfectly, and the time spent watching videos will definitely not be wasted.

If you need to pass the most difficult Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in physics and mathematics with excellent marks, then feel free to visit this channel. Nothing superfluous: just a blackboard, chalk and a cheerful young teacher who clearly and simply explains the material. On the channel you can find analyzes of tasks from the 2016 variants. In playlists, tasks are grouped thematically. For example, there is a separate block on optics, electrodynamics, algebra, geometry, and so on, which will help fill in the gaps on a particular topic. These lessons are suitable for those who, in principle, have a good understanding of physics and mathematics and do not need a figurative representation of solutions and explanations, but want to learn how to solve specific problems.

6. Channel of the Center for Effective Preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam

This channel is suitable for those eleventh graders who desperately need to pass some subject, but do not have time to repeat the entire school curriculum from cover to cover. With a pen and a piece of paper, the center’s teachers actually teach you how to solve Unified State Examination tasks without delving into the theory of the subject. Step-by-step algorithms for solving each task from the demo options are given here. All materials are current for the 2017 exam. In fact, this is your home tutor who will calmly and clearly explain to you what you need to do to pass the exam with a positive grade. Yes, perhaps a little dry, but very effective.

7. Online learning center channel ""

On this channel you can find analysis of exam tasks in mathematics, Russian language, physics, chemistry, history and biology. The playlists are organized by subject and contain both analysis of individual tasks and video lecture notes on some topics. The big advantage of the channel is that in some subjects several versions of the same task are analyzed, which helps to trace the pattern and develop your own solution algorithm. Not all the materials here are relevant and there are not so many assignments for some subjects, but these videos will still help you save a lot on a tutor and understand some topics on your own.

If you need not so much to prepare for the Unified State Exam, but to improve your knowledge of the subject or fill in gaps on certain topics, feel free to visit this channel. It contains a huge number of video lessons on all school subjects from grades 1 to 11. Teachers will tell you in an entertaining way, using illustrative materials, about everything that you missed, understudied or forgot. Playlists are created separately for each subject and class, so it won’t be difficult for you to find the right topic. We recommend the channel not only to those who are repeating what they have studied for the exam, but also to everyone who is experiencing difficulties in any particular section or in the whole subject.

On the channel dedicated to physics, you can watch many videos from the “Physics in Experiments and Experiments” series. They explain the basic laws of physics clearly and with humor. Of course to Unified State Exam assignments no one cooks here, but these mini-lectures will help you repeat (and maybe study) some topics from the physics course. A big plus of these videos are experiments that are not often carried out in school. We think they are worth watching even for those who are not yet (or already) going to take the exam, because after watching these videos, physics will definitely seem more interesting to you than at school.

The channel dedicated to mathematics does not have such entertaining experiments and a large number of visual materials, but here you can find good, understandable explanations of a wide variety of, even very difficult, topics from the school mathematics course. Again, there are no solutions to problems from the Unified State Exam, but this resource will be very useful for studying, repeating and consolidating individual topics.