Summer months in English. Names of the months in English: transcription, translation, exercises

While studying English, we come across many simple everyday topics, familiarity with which helps us understand the interlocutor during a dialogue and not get confused when reading. The seasons in English, as well as the names of the months and - these are the topics that you cannot ignore when learning English. We have prepared several tables for you that will help you understand the topic of seasons and allow you to learn the names of the months.

Table with seasons

Names of seasons English language are closely related to what each season is about. The origin of the word winter goes back to Proto-Indo-European language, where wed means wet and wint means white. Spring is the time when plants spring up from the ground. The origin of the word summer (summer) comes from the Old Norse word sumarsdag, which meant time large quantity sun. The British version of autumn (autumn) comes from the Latin autumnus - autumn. The American version of autumn (fall) is associated with the fall of leaves. To put all this information in order, we have compiled a table:

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Table with months

All month names in English must be capitalized. In a present tense sentence names of months are used with the preposition in, except when the month name is followed by a date. The origins of most English month names are rooted in Greek and Roman mythology and history. And only September, October, November and December are based on numbers (7, 8, 9, 10, respectively).

Idioms and phrases related to months and seasons

The English language has idioms for almost every topic. Seasons and names of months are important topics and many idioms have been invented about them. We have prepared several for you set expressions about the seasons, in English with translation and Russian versions.

Video about the seasons in English:

The section “Names of the months” in English is one of the simplest. The names of the months are varied and take names from the Julian calendar. This is a mix of the names of gods and rulers Ancient Rome, holidays and more. And if the names of months are formed from names, therefore, months are written with a capital letter.

The ancient Roman calendar had a ten-month calendar. In the Roman Republic in 708 from the founding of Great Rome, during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar, the Julian calendar was adopted.

The Roman year began in March. Of the twelve months, ten were named, and two were unnamed. The winter months of January and February were added to the calendar in 700 BC. Then January became the first month of the year.

When two winter months were added - January and February - the remaining months shifted. And the autumn months and the first winter no longer coincide with their original meaning.

Etymology of the names of the winter months

The section begins in December and the year ends. Before the adoption of the Etruscan calendar, December was the tenth month for the Romans - “decem” in Latin is ten. Therefore, December literally means the tenth. In English the month is called "December".

IN modern world the year begins with the month of January. In English "January". The month was named after the Roman god Janus. Janus is the god of doors and passages - beginnings and ends.

Had two faces looking in opposite directions. Thus, Janus looked at the beginning and end of the year. In other words, Janus is the god of gates.

In ancient times, it was customary in this month to clean houses and put them in order after winter; it was considered the most favorable time for cleaning the house. In English, the month of February is called "February".

Etymology of the names of the spring months

The name of the spring months is associated only with the names of the Roman gods.

March or in English “March” - the first month of spring received its name in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars. The Romans believed that this was the best month for military operations.

“April” or April in Russian comes from the Latin. verb "aperire" - to announce the coming of spring. But, there is one hypothesis that the month is named after the ancient Greek goddess and patroness of love and happiness - Aphrodite.

The ancient Romans had a goddess of spring and land affairs - Maya. So it was in honor of this goddess that the last month of spring, May, was named. And in English “May”.

Etymology of the names of the summer months

The beginning of summer culminates in June. In English "June". It is named after the Roman goddess Juno, she is considered a symbol of marriage and family. To this day, many peoples believe that the best month for a wedding is June.

Juno herself was a married goddess. Her husband was an important person in the ancient Roman pantheon of gods - Jupiter. God of all gods. Like the ancient Greeks, Zeus.

The second summer month is June – English “Jule”. Named in honor of His Majesty the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. Because in this month Caesar was born.

The month of August or “August” is named after the first Roman ruler, Emperor Augustus.

Etymology of the names of the autumn months

It remains to find out what or who the autumn months are named after. But with their origin everything is much simpler.

We welcome autumn in September or in English “September”. In Latin, "sept" means seven. For the ancient Romans, September was the seventh month, since the year began in March.

The ancient Romans did not think long about the names of October and November. October or "October" from the Latin "octo" - eight.

Therefore, November will be the ninth month of "novem" and in English it will sound like "November".

The names of the English months are very consonant with the Russian ones, so the memorization process should not cause big problems in memorizing. Don't forget that the British write the names of the months with a capital letter.

In Russian, a similar rule applies, but there is a small exception.

If the sentence with the name of the month contains the word “Month” itself, which is written with a capital letter, then the name will have to be written with a small letter. For example: M month m ai is named after the Roman goddess Maia.

How to pronounce the names of the months in English?

To be literate, it is enough not only to know grammar and have a large vocabulary, but it is also important to pronounce foreign words correctly.

Name of the month in English Transcription recorded using English phonetics Transcription recorded using Russian language Translation of the month into Russian
January [‘dʒæ nju(ə)ri] [January] January
February [‘febru(ə)ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mach] March
April [‘eipr(ə)l] [April] April
May [May] May
June [jun] June
July [julay] July
August [ɔ:’g Λst] [August] August
September [septembe] September
October [ɔk’ təubə] [oktobe] October
November [novembre] november
December [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

Months, like parts of speech, are used in English with prepositions. There are two prepositions that are combined with the names of the months, these are “IN”, “ON”.

If you want to construct a statement that refers specifically to the month and not the date, then you should use the preposition “IN”.

For example:

If you want to construct an expression that will contain information about a specific date, then you must use the preposition “IN” in constructing the sentence. For example:

Abbreviations for month names in English

In business English, it is customary to abbreviate words, including the names of months.

The principle of abbreviation is as follows: the first three names of the month are written with a capital letter:

January January Jan.
February February Feb.
March March Mar.
April April Apr.
May May May – not abbreviated
June June June – not abbreviated
July July July – not abbreviated
August August Aug.
September September Sept., Sep.
October October Oct.
November November Nov.
December December Dec.

Name of the days of the week in English

The ancient Anglo-Saxons also gave names to the days of the week. They worshiped many gods. They were pagans. It was in honor of these gods that the days of the week got their names.

Let's look at the days of the week and their origins:

  • Monday -Monday: has a lot to do with the week in Rome. Literally translated as “Day of the Moon”.
  • Tuesday -Tuesday: The ancestors of the British named the second day of the week in honor of the noble, strong and one-armed god Tyr. Many songs have been sung about him in the English epic. Tyr is considered the god of war. It was to him that the warriors worshiped, it was to him that the fighters made sacrifices before battles in the form of hanged men. Warriors depicted the rune of this god on their swords.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday: Wednesday got its name in honor of the Great Odin. The ancestors of the British could not neglect the main deity. Odin, like Tyr, was sacrificed before battles by hanging several men. One had incredible strength and a sharp mind. It was this god who brought writing to the Scandinavians in the form of runes.
  • Thursday - Thursday: This day is dedicated to Thor, the son of Odin. Thor was considered a patron and protector ordinary people on the ground. He was also the patron of thunder and lightning, storms.
  • Friday -Friday: Like the Greeks and Romans, the Scandinavians had their own patroness of love affairs and family - the goddess Frigg. Friday was named after her. Frigg was a married goddess. She was Odin's wife. She had the gift of providence.
  • Saturday -Saturday: this day was named after Saturn.
  • Sunday -Sunday: Literally translated as “sunny day”, this is how the Scandinavians nicknamed Sunday. Just like the Romans believed that this day was the Day of the Sun.

Remember that it is very easy to learn the names of months and days of the week, especially if you know their origin.

January – January, named after the god Janus. According to legend, he had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back, so he could see the beginning and end of the year. He was the god of gates.

February – February. The name comes from a Latin word that means purification. In ancient times, houses looked very dirty after winter and the time occupied by this month was considered favorable for cleaning the house.

March – March, named after the planet Mars and the god of war. The Romans believed that this period was convenient for wars.

April - April. Derived from the Latin word aperire - to open (beginning of spring). There is a second version that the name was received in honor of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.

May - May, received its name in honor of the Roman goddess Maya. She was the goddess of spring and earth.

June - June, invented in honor of the goddess Juno, who is a symbol of marriage. To this day, some people believe and prefer to get married in June. Juno's husband was the equally important god Jupiter - the king of the gods, respectively, Juno was the queen.

July – July, named after the great Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This month was the ruler's birthday.

August - August, took this name as an inheritance from the first Roman emperor Augustus.

September – September, sept, which means seven in Latin. During the Roman Empire, the calendar began with the month of March, therefore September was the seventh month of the year.

October, November, December (October, November, December). The Romans simply called these months octo, novem, decem - eight, nine, ten.

Learning the months in English is as easy as shelling pears, because their names come from Latin language and, to some extent, resemble their Russian counterparts. It would be more interesting to learn a little about the history of the origin of these “names,” as well as some grammatical rules associated with their use in speech. So, go ahead!

Months in English: writing, transcription, usage

We write and pronounce correctly!

“How can I list the English months in order?” - those who are just beginning to master the wisdom will ask foreign language. Greet them one by one!

NB! And remember that their names (as well as the names of the days of the week and seasons) should be written with a capital letter!

In this table we have indicated the months in English with transcription so that pronouncing them will not cause you any difficulties. To create a “complete picture of the year”, get acquainted with the seasons:

Winter ["wɪntə] Winter
Spring Spring
Summer ["sʌmə] Summer
Autumn ["ɔːtəm] Autumn

NB! The American version of the word “Autumn” is Fall.

Example sentences:

My favorite month is June. – My favorite month is June.

I arrived in Saint-Petersburg last September. – I arrived in St. Petersburg last September.

Name all the seasons and months

Let's learn to use it in speech!

In order to correctly use the months of the year in English in speech, both written and oral, you need to learn the following rules.

  1. In writing, you should separate the day and month from the year using a comma:

    The house was built in October, 2003. – The house was built in October 2003.

  2. When specifying dates in full (including day, month, year), it is necessary to use ordinal numbers to indicate the number and cardinal numbers for the year:

    on 23 February, 1478 = on the twenty third of February, fourteen seventy eight (February 23, 1478)

    NB! In such cases, we omit “year” in speech.

Prepositions with months in English

Regarding grammatical points, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Prepositions are not used in expressions like “*** + name of the month” with the words one, next, last, this/that, every, all, any.

    I was in Moscow last June. – I was in Moscow last June.

    I'm going to my cousin this March. – I'm going to visit my cousin this March.

  • The preposition IN is used with the name of the month in time circumstances.

    In May - in May, late in August - at the end of August.

  • The preposition ON is necessary when, in addition to the month, there is an indication of a date or day.

    On January 2, 1389 – January 2, 1389, on a warm September day – a warm September day.

  • The preposition OF is needed if the attributive function of the month is implied.

Let's get acquainted with abbreviations!

The information will be incomplete if we do not talk about the reduction of months in English. Similar abbreviations are often found on various forms, travel tickets and, of course, calendars.

NB! Short forms generally contain only three letters. Exceptions are June, July (where you can keep the word unchanged) and September (2 options are allowed here: Sept and Sep).

Abbreviations, like full forms, are always written with a capital letter. A period is added at the end of the abbreviation in American English, or the punctuation mark is omitted if we are talking about the British version of the language.

Brief writing example

From the history of the names of the months

Surely, you will be interested to know why the months sound so similar in English and Russian. The reason is that they all come from Latin and have ancient Roman roots.

January, January - on behalf of the ancient Roman god Janus.

February, February - from the name of the Roman festival of cleansing Februa.

March, March – on behalf of the ancient Roman god Mars (Martius/Mars).

April, April - on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite (Aphrilis).

May, May - on behalf of the ancient Greek nymph, one of the lovers of Zeus, Maya (Maius).

June, June - on behalf of the ancient Roman goddess Juno.

July, July – on behalf of the famous Julius Caesar (Julius). It was he who began to reform the Roman calendar.

Augustus, August – on behalf of the equally famous Octavian Augustus. And he completed the reform of the calendar.

September, September - from septem (seven, seventh month).

October, October - from octo (eighth, eighth month).

November, November – from novem (nine, ninth month).

December, December – from decem (ten, tenth month).

12 months in English: for children and more

With the help of various pictures-schemes, you can start studying the months and seasons even with preschoolers; bright colors and funny drawings will be interesting to them:

Studying with children

To remember the number of days in each month, you can use an interesting poem:

Another interesting exercise that will be interesting for both children and adults is “Names of the months in English: name, write, draw.” Make 12 abbreviation cards, either with only the first letters or with numbers from 1 to 12. Turn them over with the pictures facing down. Pulling out one at a time, say the name of the corresponding month, write its name on a piece of paper and next to it draw an association picture with this month.

Thus, various exercises and with training you will achieve brilliant results in a short time and learn the names of all the months in English.

Mini-lesson for remembering the names of the months:

Each of us looks forward to some event: a birthday, a wedding, the arrival of summer holidays. Have you ever counted down the months or weeks until the big day? How the names of the months, seasons and days of the week will sound in English will be discussed in the article.


Dates, seasons and months are usually studied in the very first English lessons. This is necessary, because dates and numbers often appear in oral speech and on the pages of documents.

Before learning the names of the months in English, you need to understand the seasons. Their names are not consonant with the Russian version:

  1. Spring - sounds like [sprin]. Translated it means "spring".
  2. Summer. Transcription [same] - summer.
  3. But autumn has several sound options, depending on what country you are in. For Britain it sounds like autumn [autumn]. In American, autumn is written and sounds like Fall [foul]. The vowel in this case is pronounced protractedly.
  4. Winter. The transcription looks like this: [uinte]. The first two vowels are pronounced quickly so that the sound is similar to Russian [v], but softer.

Months in English

Now that the seasons have been sorted out, we can move on to the months. Below are the names of the months in English with pronunciation in Russian:

  1. Junuary [jenyo:ri] - January.
  2. February [February] - February.
  3. March [ma:h] - March.
  4. - April.
  5. May [may] - May.
  6. June [jun] - June.
  7. July [julay] - July.
  8. August [August] - August.
  9. September [septembe] - September.
  10. October [oktoube] - October.
  11. November [novembe] - November.
  12. December [desembe] - December.

Pay attention to the names of the months in English with transcription: the colon in it indicates, according to the rules, the longitude of the pronounced sound. The letter r at the end is not readable.

Rules related to months and seasons in English

The use of month names in English in speech and writing follows certain rules that are easy to remember:

  1. Month names in English are always capitalized.
  2. The day of the month is separated by a comma from the year. For example, like this: It happened in August, 1982. It happened in August 1982.
  3. If you need to put a date in writing, use the abbreviation: Dec 17, Nov 22. Please note that the name of the month comes first with a capital letter, and then the number.

Use of articles and prepositions

Articles and prepositions often cause difficulties when learning English. We will analyze further what prepositions are used with the names of months.

The following prepositions are used with the word month:

  1. By meaning "every month".
  2. For a when you need to say that the action takes place throughout the month.
  3. In a if you want to say that some action will happen in a month.
  4. If a sentence contains a temporary circumstance, for example, when you need to say that something happened in May, the preposition is used in: My son was born in May. - My son was born in May. When a specific date is required, the preposition changes to on: My son was born on 13 of May. - My son was born on May 13.

When articles and prepositions are not used

Prepositions are not used if words such as:

  • This - these.
  • Every - everyone.
  • All - everything.
  • Any - any.
  • Next - next
  • Each - which.

And also when using the seasons together with these particles: I"l study English next week. - I will study English next week.

How can a child remember the seasons and days of the week?

How to help your child remember the names of the months of the year in English? Most The best way memorization, of course, in the form of a game. Beautiful pictures with the names of the months, similar to those given here, coloring pages and copybooks with your favorite characters, songs and poems, as well as simple but effective exercises. Every child has a favorite toy. Invite your child to tell his soft friend the words he has learned, or to retell a passage of text with new words.

Examples of exercises in English

With the help of the proposed exercises, you can not only learn the names of the months in English with transcription, but also consolidate any lexical material without the usual memorization. Their significant advantage is that not only the sound is remembered, but also the spelling of the words being studied.

Exercise 1

Match the names of the months in English with transcription and translation:

Exercise 2

Translate the sentences into Russian, find the correct statements:

It's raining in June.

The weather is fine on May.

September is the first month of the year.

The weather is still cold in April.

Exercise 3

It can be used for any words that you are going to reinforce. Its essence is that the letters in the letter are rearranged, and you need to return them to the correct sequence. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to perform it in pairs or in a small group.

Poems for remembering the months in English

Short memory poems will help you quickly and easily learn the names of the months in English with translation:

  • January is coming to us, hello, Christmas tree, New Year.
  • Blizzards rush across the ground - February is outside.
  • Can you hear the icicles crying? March is coming to us soon.
  • April begins, streams run along the roads.
  • It's May outside the window today - holidays are at the door.
  • A sea of ​​light and warmth - June - it's time for summer.
  • On the July calendar - run, jump, sunbathe.
  • August is in the yard - the harvest is on the table.
  • The trees will put on a bright outfit, September will gather the children at school.
  • Leaves are flying from the trees to the ground, October - hello, leaf fall.
  • The birds have flown to where it is warm, which means November is knocking on the window.
  • December will soon leave patterns on houses and trams.

If you are planning to visit, for example, London, then the following information will be useful for you: winter in England lasts from November to February. Spring comes in March and lasts only until April. May is considered a summer month. And autumn lasts from September to October. In the United States, everything is the same as usual in our traditional calendar.

Learn and remember the names of the months in English in an easy and interesting way. This will be another step towards fluent conversation with native speakers. Thematic videos will help you master the language faster.