Presentation for 4 year olds developing. What are “general words” or “generic concepts”

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Presentation for parents on the topic: Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Moscow Preschool Educational Institution “D/S No. 10 of a combined type”, Ukhta, Komi Republic, teacher Semyashkina S.A.

The age of 4-5 years is a period of relative calm, which passes without sudden jumps or crises. At the same time, the rate of child development does not decrease. Changes are taking place in all areas of his life.

Physical development Children of middle preschool age are very active, they have a constant need for movement. This is due to some physiological characteristics of their body:

the process of ossification of the spine is still ongoing, the spine is quite flexible and can be deformed during prolonged static postures; Large muscle groups are developing, so regular, feasible exercise is necessary.

Also during this period, the following physical abilities of children are improved: endurance increases; coordination improves; movements become more precise and confident; speed and agility improve. At the same time, you need to know that muscle development occurs unevenly. The heart rhythm is easily disrupted. Therefore, children get tired quickly and periodically need rest.

Tip No. 1 Provide your child with opportunities for active physical activity. Do not allow him to become overtired (pale appearance, shortness of breath, loss of coordination). Change your load and type of activity in a timely manner. Do not allow strength exercises.

Psychological development The thinking of the average preschooler moves to a new level - imaginative thinking appears. Cognition occurs on the basis of practical actions. Children can compare objects by shape, find similar ones, and group according to essential characteristics.

Tip No. 2 Offer your child geometric figures, puzzles, mosaics, Lego and other manufacturers to play with. At 4-5 years old, a child becomes very inquisitive. He develops a need for intellectual communication. He tries to comprehend the phenomena that surround him, asks a lot of questions to adults. Tip #3 Recommendations! Don't brush your child off if he pesters you with questions. Try to explain the topic of interest to him in an accessible form. In middle preschool age, memory capacity increases. Children can remember about 7-8 names of objects. Random memorization appears; they can learn small poems by heart. In the process of mastering speech and listening to literary works, children develop figurative and verbal memory.

Tip #4 Read fairy tales to your children. Ask them to retell what they heard. In middle preschoolers, attention improves and becomes more stable. Children are able to concentrate on one activity for 15-20 minutes. Imagination is actively developing. The child fantasizes a lot, invents imaginary friends, and creates a fairy-tale world around himself. He dreams of his own superpowers and great recognition of his merits. Thanks to a developed imagination, a child can understand something that he himself has not seen, but which he will be told about in detail and clearly. Due to his violent imagination, he may develop fears. Tip #5 Don't ignore children's fears. Discuss with your child what scares him. Look for information on how you can get rid of fears and, if necessary, contact specialists.

The predominant activity remains play. Its content changes and its forms become more complex. Role-playing games appear. The content of the game focuses on playing out relationships between people. Children may have conflicts when assigning roles. Tip No. 6 From the age of 4, children should be offered games appropriate to their gender.

At this age, children actively and with pleasure master various types of creative activities. They really like to draw. Children actively develop fine motor skills. Tip No. 7 Draw with your children, do artistic modeling, teach them to sing and dance. Try to get them interested in these activities, rather than force them. Offer the simplest ideas for crafts. Praise for work done. Some crafts can be given to someone close to you so that the child sees the significance of his work.

Speech abilities are actively developing. Vocabulary increases. Sound pronunciation improves. Children are able to express their thoughts clearly. They can describe their feelings, tell what an object looks like, or retell a short story. Children develop coherent speech and a grammatical sense. They learn to coordinate words and use prepositions. Tip No. 8 If a child still has problems with sound pronunciation, do not ignore this problem - contact a speech therapist.

Social behavior The average preschooler is not yet aware of the rules of behavior and various social norms; he is impulsive. At the same time, he already has a general idea of ​​how to behave correctly in society. He understands well what a bad deed means. Moreover, the child is able to identify signs of bad behavior not only in his peers, but also in himself. He is very worried if he does mischief, because he understands that it is bad. Therefore, adults can regulate his behavior. Basic ethical concepts are just beginning to emerge. During this process, the child pays more attention not to the moral teachings of adults, but copies their actions and behavior patterns. He is ready to listen to the advice of his parents.

Tip #9 Never do anything in front of your children that you forbid them to do. Your demands must be reasonable and tactful. Be consistent and patient. Children already know how to control most of their emotions. They develop emotional responsiveness. They are able to understand the feelings of other people and empathize. The child becomes more assiduous, flexible and calm. He can perform simple household duties, but he is quickly distracted, loses interest in work and does not always finish the job he has started. Tip No. 10 If a child does not finish the task he started, do not scold him, but offer to finish everything together, get him interested in some kind of encouragement.

Children aged 4-5 years have an increased need to communicate and find friends. In addition, from communication in activities (during a game or a walk), which prevails in early preschool age, they move on to personal communication. Independence increases, the child is able to take initiative. During this period, the recognition of others becomes important for him. He tries to gain their respect, to hear approval of his actions. At this age, children are very touchy and react emotionally to criticism. Tip No. 11 Praise your child and hug him more often. Say that you are proud of him, happy with his behavior or action.

Gender consciousness is strengthening. Children are not only well aware of their gender identity, but also learn to behave accordingly. Their ideas about gender are also expanding (male - boy, youth, man, son, old man, etc.). They learn to distinguish between male and female professions, to understand the specifics of behavior and communication with people of different sexes. The average preschooler can analyze his well-being and begins to pay attention to his health. If he feels unwell, he is able to tell an adult about it and explain what the problem is. Information according to the Federal State Educational Standard about the age characteristics of children is one of the ways to implement active cooperation between the family and the preschool institution. Thanks to such pedagogical support, parents will be able to properly build their relationship with their child, which will contribute to the formation of high self-esteem in the preschooler. The child will become more confident, master skills and abilities useful for later life.


The presentation is intended for children of primary preschool age. Introduces wild animals and their young. The presentation is accompanied by funny poems about these animals. The goals of creating this presentation are, first of all, to get acquainted with some of the wild animals that live here in Russia, and to cultivate a love for animals.



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Wild animals for children 3-4 years old Completed by: Tsybikzhapova E.B. Teacher of the second junior group of MBDOU No. 2 “Bulzhamuur”, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia

Hare and little bunny

Life is hard for a bunny: both in the forest and on the lawn, in the snow and in the wind. There is nowhere for him to hide. He is afraid of everyone in the world, he doesn’t even go to bed. He dozes off a little, and then he needs to run away again.

Wolf and cubs

Day and night he prowls the forest, Day and night he searches for prey. The wolf walks and wanders silently, Gray ears stick up

Bear and cub

He walks through rubble and ravines with a master's step. The bear loves sweet honey and picks raspberries from the branches.

Polar bear

Fox and cubs

The little fox knows: All her beauty is in her fur coat. There is no red fur coat in the forest, There is no more cunning beast in the forest.

Squirrel and baby squirrels

Winter is still far away, But not for fun. The squirrel drags into the bins Berries, nuts... The little animal knows: You need to stock up on time.

Hedgehog and hedgehogs

The gray hedgehog is covered in needles, as if he is not an animal, but a Christmas tree. Even though the forest is prickly and silent, the hedgehog is kind, not evil.

Thank you for your attention!!!

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Evgenia Ilyina
Presentation for children 3–5 years old “Pets”

Pet in the family it is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities. This is not surprising, because every mother and every father wants their children to be kind, warm-hearted, and responsive. According to the scientist, “A person who does not love cannot be kind.” animals who never cared about them." The children living in the city mostly know each other (have in their families) with such representatives pets like – cat, dog, parrot. What other ones are there? Pets? In what conditions do they live, what benefits do they bring to humans, who are their cubs, what do they eat? To solve this problem, I prepared this presentation.

Target: Pin view children about domestic animals and their babies.


Learn children recognize by external signs pets, their cubs. Clarify knowledge children what they eat, what benefits they bring animals to humans.

Develop attention, thinking, speech activity

Cultivate a desire to care for pets.

3-6 slide: we ask questions what is the name of dad, mom, cubs?

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Traffic light school Transport and roadways For children 4-5 years old

Tires rustle on the asphalt. Different cars are driving. There are passenger cars, small in size, they rush very fast, even a bird can’t keep up!

But this is a truck, It is powerful, strong as a bull!

What is this, a bicycle? No doors, no cabin! Dashingly rushes, rumbles, rushes along the street. It rushes faster than all the cars, it's called a motorcycle!

The house is on wheels! People can ride in it! There are large windows on the sides, a roof on top so you don't get wet! The house is called a bus, It has its own route!

Here is a trolleybus - it has a mustache, it rides under the wires.

Ding-ding-ding! What's that ringing? A carriage is rolling along the rails! Such a carriage, remember! It's called a tram!

People should not walk where cars are moving! Because it’s very easy to get caught under the wheels!

On the street, such a place is called a roadway. And people are strictly prohibited from walking on the roadway!

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