Top 50 spoken phrases in English. English sentences with translation. Features of translation when there is no subject

Offers in English language may have a completely different word order than in Russian. At the same time, during translation it is worth adhering to certain rules, for example, if in Russian we see first the main part of the sentence, and then the subject, then in English it may be different. Let's look at different English sentences with translation to clearly see how to translate sentences from one language to another.

  • Grandmother has come! => Grandma has arrived!
  • Daddy has arrived! => Dad has arrived!
  • My friends have come too late => My friends came too late.
  • You are having very good time => You are having a great time.

Take a close look at these offers. You will notice that they consist of a different number of words. The first two are not common, the second two are common.

Non-extended ones are those in which only the main (main) members of the sentence are present, namely the predicate and subject. As for the common ones, there are also other (minor) members. They are circumstances, definitions, additions, etc.

Examples of translation of simple sentences (common and uncommon):

  • Mother says. => Mom says.
  • Children are playing. => Children are playing.
  • Grandfather has done. => Grandfather did it.
  • Mary is her best friend. => Mary is her best friend.
  • The girl is enjoying the sunshine. => The girl enjoys the sunlight (warmth).
  • The boy is smiling to her. => The boy smiles at her.

Features of translation when there is no subject

If we talk about simple sentences, then it is important to remember that they are divided into several types. You need to know the categories in order to translate sentences correctly. For example, in personal sentences that denote an expressed person or thing, the subject may be absent, but this does not mean that it does not need to be translated:

  • My mother will come in a minute. => My mother will come in a minute (subject present).
  • She looks at the window. Stands up. Sits down. Again standing up. She doesn't know what to do. => She looks out the window. Rises. Sits down. He gets up again. She doesn't know what to do.

From the example it is clear that the word she is not present in all sentences, but, nevertheless, it is implied there. There is no need to use the word “she” in every sentence. She gets up. She sits down. She gets up again. It is not right. It is enough to translate she once, and then it is clear from the meaning that the word should be in the sentence.

Other English topics: Affirmative sentences in English with examples and tables

Features of translation from one and they

When we talk about indefinite-personal sentences, then the subject expresses something indefinite (an object or a person). To convey this (undefined) something in English, we use one And they:

  • One can study English only if he wants to. => A person can learn English only if he wants (you cannot force a person to do something).
  • One can bake a cake only if he knows how to do it. => A person can bake a cake only if he knows how to do it.
  • One can become a policeman only if he is a brave one. => Only those who are brave can become a policeman.
  • They say, the summer will be hot. => They say the summer will be hot.
  • They say, the meeting will be very interesting. => They say that the meeting will be very interesting.

The examples clearly show that when translating into Russian we omit some words that are present in English. For example, they. Yes, we are writing They say, and not just say, but translate without they: They say, not they say. A similar situation with the word One. In our examples One translated as man and policeman, but the translation is not limited to these words. It all depends on the context.

Features of the translation of impersonal sentences

An interesting situation with translation awaits impersonal sentences. The peculiarity of such proposals is that they do not have actor. How to translate them into Russian? No subject.

Here are some examples:

  • It is snowing. => It's snowing.
  • It is sunshining. => The sun is shining.
  • It is cold. => It's cold.
  • It becomes dark very early. => It gets dark very early.

In English impersonal sentences it is used it, which is not translated in Russian. We omit this part of the sentence.

More sentences with translation into Russian:

  • It seems that you have seen this man before. => It seems like you've seen this person before.
  • It is known that these guys are very talented. => They know that these guys are very talented.
  • It becomes deeper and deeper step by step. => Step by step it gets deeper and deeper.

Note! English sentences You can't translate word for word. They need to be translated comprehensively. For example, in the last sentence we first translate step by step, and then It becomes deeper and deeper, although in the sentence it’s the other way around. You can, of course, translate It gets deeper step by step, but Step by step it gets deeper sounds better.

Other English topics: Complex sentences in English: how they are built, examples, conjunctions

Features of translating complex sentences

Such sentences necessarily have coordinating conjunctions. neither .. .nor, as well as, not only … but also, but, etc. Such sentences, consisting of two or three parts, are also separated by commas. This is easier for both perception and translation.

On a note! Simple sentences as part of complex compounds, they must be pronounced with lowering intonation.

  • A cold wind was blowing and a snowstorm began. => A cold wind blew and a snowstorm began.

In this sentence the coordinating subject is and, but the sentence is a compound one, not a simple one. The fact is that both sentences (simple, part of a complex) have a predicate and a subject. If we took, for example, It was cool and windy, then it is clear that this is a simple sentence, because It was also applies to cool, and to windy.

But in the proposal A cold wind was blowing and a snowstorm began we see two separate full-fledged sentences - 1) A cold wind was blowing, and 2) a snowstorm began.

Here are some more examples:

  • The metal is made up of irregularly shaped grains, and these tiny grains are the bundling blocks of the metal. => Metal is made up of grains irregular shape, and these smallest grains are the building mass of the metal.
  • I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua, so I started to save my money. => I wanted to buy a Chihuahua puppy, And so I started saving money.
  • His dog has won many prizes, but she doesn't know many tricks. => His dog has won many awards, But she doesn't know a lot of tricks.
  • I will be glad to help you; I love to cook. => I will be happy to help you; I like to cook.

Note! Complex sentences can be translated without conjunctions. A good example is the last sentence.

In addition to complex sentences, there are also complex sentences, and they, in turn, also have their own subtypes. This is a different topic. We will look at it in our other articles.

Let's sum it up

When we study English sentences with translation from Russian into English, it is better to start training with simple ones, and then take on complex ones. If you learn to correctly translate easy sentences, you will learn to competently cope with complex ones. In the latter case, you will need to learn coordinating conjunctions, which are links between sentences. Do exercises regularly and improve your skills. Good luck!

For every communication situation there is a set of standard phrases: it will help maintain a conversation without awkward pauses. Do you want to communicate with native speakers?

The list of phrases will be extremely useful for those who want to master spoken English. This is a “gentleman’s set” of the most important short phrases that will be useful in a conversation, from greeting to farewell.

Greetings and introductory phrases

How are you getting on?- How are you doing?

Same as “How are you?” - "How are you?"

Are you doing OK?- Are you okay?

It is a polite way to ask someone about their condition if you know that they have recently had some difficulties.

Hi,...! What's new?- Hello, …! What's new?

An informal greeting for a close friend or acquaintance.

Hi,...! What's up?- Hello, …! How are you?

An option similar to the previous one, with the difference that you are probably not that interested in what news the other person has.

Hi,...! Long time no see! - Hello, …! Long time no see!

You have not seen a person for a long time and, in fact, want to mention this fact in your greeting.

Hi,...! Have you been keeping busy?- Hello, …! What did you do? ( verbatim: You were busy?)

Standard greeting. The question should not be taken literally.

Do you mind me asking...?-Would you mind if I asked you about...

Leading up to a more personal question.

OK, here's the thing... - Well, the point is this: ...

Don't know where to start the conversation? This phrase will help you take the bull by the horns.

Standard answers

Thanks, I've been keeping busy- verbatim: Thank you, I was busy with my own affairs.

A standard response to a standard greeting. It should not be taken literally.

Thanks for asking, I’m fine, how are you?- Thank you, I'm fine, and you?

Reply to the greeting “How are you?” - "How are you?" and the “symmetrical” question.

Hi, how are you doing? It's good to see you!- Hey there! How are you? I'm glad to see you!

This is how you respond to a greeting from someone you haven’t seen for a while.

Can't complain- Not complaining.

Reply to a standard greeting like “How are you?” ("How are you?"). The phrase is not as optimistic as “Thanks, I’m great!” - “Thank you, great!”, but it also means that you don’t have big problems in your life right now. At least you have nothing to complain about.

Can you say it again, please?- Excuse me, could you repeat it?

Please repeat the question if you did not understand what was said. When a native speaker speaks too quickly, use the same phrase - the hint will be understood and they will repeat it more slowly for you. If this does not happen, you can ask directly:

Can you slow it down a bit, please? - Sorry, could you repeat it more slowly?

An essential phrase for English language learners. Practice it until it becomes automatic.

And how about you?- And you?

You don’t know what question to ask, so you ask your interlocutor the same thing that he asks you. This counter question can be answered to almost any standard greeting.

To the best of my knowledge… As far as I know…- As I know…

These phrases are a good place to start when you need time to formulate an answer.

Good for you!- I'm happy for you!

Someone tells you about their successes or about some happy event - and you respond with this phrase.

Can't argue with that- You can't argue with that.

Used when you agree with what your counterpart is saying. Or you just don’t want to argue with him :)

How do you know?- How do you know?

Did your interlocutor take you by surprise? Ask a counter question.

That's a good one!- Wow!

Expressing surprise in response to funny or unexpected news.

Really? Tell me more about it!- Indeed? Tell us more!

Everything is clear here: you want to get more information from your interlocutor about what he just said.

Frankly speaking… Well, to be honest with you…- Honestly…

Start your answer with these words. A great way to build trust.

No problem- No problem.

A response to a request that you are willing to fulfill. Often used as a response to a request from superiors, this phrase has more enthusiasm than a simple “Sure” - “Of course” or “OK”.

Never mind, it's fine!- No need, everything is fine!

Use this phrase when someone offers you help, but you think you can do without it.

Never mind, forget what I just said- It doesn’t matter, forget what I just said.

If you said something that doesn't matter, but your interlocutor wants you to repeat it. You can also use this phrase when you feel that he is annoyed or offended by your question or comment, and it would be insensitive to pursue the topic.

You got me there- This is where you caught me.

This phrase can be said instead of “I don’t know” - “I don’t know.” It sounds more conversational and not as harsh as “I don’t know.”

You've got to be kidding me!- You must be joking!

They tell you something incredible, and this is how you express your surprise.

That's a good question- Good question!

Need to think about your answer? Use this phrase instead of remaining silent!

Well, how to put it in the right words- “Well, how can I put it better...”
And this phrase will help you find a couple of seconds to formulate an answer.

That would be great!- It would be great!

Answer to a pleasant offer.

…, you know what I mean?- …, understand?

This phrase is perhaps overused - but if you want to emphasize what you said, you can put it at the end of the sentence.

You see, the thing is that...- You see, the thing is...

Advanced phrases:

1. Pull yourself together! [ pʊl jɔːˈsɛlf təˈgɛðə] - Get a hold of yourself!
2. Don’t take it to heart. [ dəʊnt teɪk ɪt tuː hɑːt] – Don’t take it to heart.
3. Don’t get upset about it. [ dəʊnt gɛt ʌpˈsɛt əˈbaʊt ɪt] – Don’t be upset about this.
4. Let us hope for the best. [ lɛt ʌs həʊp fɔː ðə bɛst] - Let us hope for the best.
5. Everything will be all right. [ ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ wɪl biː ɔːl raɪt]- Everything will be fine.
6. Things happen. [ θɪŋz ˈhæpən] - Things happen.
7. Next time lucky. [ nɛkst taɪm ˈlʌki] – Better luck next time.
8. What a pity! [ wɒt ə ˈpɪti] - What a pity!
9. I'll never get over it. [ aɪl ɛl ˈnɛvə gɛt ˈəʊvər ɪt] – I will never get over this.
10. I appreciate your difficulties. [ aɪ əˈpriːʃɪeɪt jɔː ˈdɪfɪkəltiz] – I understand your problems.
11. It was a success. [ ɪt wɒz ə səkˈsɛs] – It was successful.
12. It is as good as done. [ ɪt ɪz æz gʊd æz dʌn] – You can say we did it.
13. It was a failure / flop. [ ɪt wɒz ə ˈfeɪljə / flɒp] – We failed.
14. It didn’t work out. [ ɪt dɪdnt wɜːk aʊt] – It didn’t work out.
15. It was a near thing. [ ɪt wɒz ə nɪə θɪŋ] – Almost happened / Just a little...
16. It was a narrow escape. [ ɪt wɒz ə ˈnærəʊ ɪsˈkeɪ p] – We barely escaped trouble.
17. He kept his promise. [ hiː kɛpt hɪz ˈprɒmɪs] – He kept his promise.
18. Not failed us. [ hiːfeɪldʌs] – He failed us.
19. Not backed out. [ hiː bækt aʊt] – He backed down (refused his words).
20. That is the way things are. [ ðæt ɪz ðə weɪ θɪŋz ɑː] – That’s how things are.
21. As things stand now… [ æz θɪŋz stænd naʊ] – In this state of affairs...
22. It is urgent. [ ɪt ɪz ˈɜːʤənt] - This is urgent.
23. Time is getting short. [ taɪm ɪz ˈgɛtɪŋ ʃɔːt] - Time is running out.
24. It can wait. [ ɪt kæn weɪt] - It can wait.
25. There is no hurry. [ ðeər ɪz nəʊ ˈhʌri] - It is not urgent.
26. And what if… [ ænd wɒt ɪf] - What if…
27. It's worth trying. [ ɪt ɪz wɜːθ ˈtraɪɪŋ] – It’s worth a try.
28. I'll see about it. [ aɪl siː əˈbaʊt ɪt] – I’ll take care of it.
29. I’ll arrange it with him. [ aɪl əˈreɪnʤ ɪt wɪð hɪm] – I’ll decide... / sort it out with him.
30. I would rather do smth. [ aɪ wʊd ˈrɑːðə duː ˈsʌmθɪŋ] – I would rather do something.
31. I have changed my mind. [ aɪ hæv ʧeɪnʤd maɪ maɪnd] – I changed my mind.
32. I am in two minds. [ aɪ æm ɪn tuː maɪndz] – I’m undecided...
33. I can’t make up my mind. [ aɪ kɑːnt meɪk ʌp maɪ maɪnd] – I can’t make up my mind / make up my mind.
34. Do it right a way. [ duː ɪt raɪt ə weɪ] – Do it right away.
35. Don't put it off till the last moment. [ dəʊnt pʊt ɪt ɒf tɪl ðə lɑːst ˈməʊmənt] – Don’t put it off until the last minute.

Learn phrases effectively!

Most effective method remember all these phrases - by repeating them at certain intervals.

Repeat each phrase three times.

Do the same the next day.

Return to the phrases even later - in a week or two.

This regular repetition ensures that new phrases remain in your active vocabulary. This means that you can use them in appropriate situations - exactly what you need, right?

Expression in EnglishTranslationExample
I don't mind.I do not mindWould you like to watch something tonight? - I don’t mind.
I think so / I don’t think so.I agree / I disagreeWe have to visit our neighbors every weekend. They're so old and lonely.I don't think so!
Relax. Don't worry. Take it easy.Relax. Do not worry.
You'll make it.You can do it.It’s always difficult to start but I’m sure I’ll make it.
It beats me.That beats me.I can’t understand you buy all these clothes – what for? It beats me.
Here's what we'll do.We'll do this.Here’s what we’ll do – we’re taking this dog home. We've been dreaming about that!
You are on the right track.You are on the right track.Don’t give up the project! You are on the right track, I’m sure.
Coffee? – If it is no bother.Coffee? - If it's not difficult.
Come on. Let's get this over with.Let's get this matter over with.I can't carry on anymore. Let's get this over with as quickly as possible.
Think it over.Think carefully.It’s such an important decision in your life. Think it over.
I meant only the best.I wanted the best.I'm so sorry. I meant only the best. How can I help you?
It never occurred to me that…It never occurred to meHave you ever thought that I love you?- It never occurred to me that it could happen…
Suit yourself.Decide youself.Suit yourself but you know that I have a lot of work and I can’t go with you.
Why do you ask?Why do you ask?
Tend to your own affairs.Better mind your own business.I don’t like how you organized your working place Step by, please, and tend to your own affairs.
No reason in particular.For no reason/Just like that.Why didn’t you come at the party? No reason in particular. I wanted to stay home.
Calm down.Calm down.I think you are too stressed. Please calm down and we can decide how to solve it.
Not likely. Unless...Most likely no. If only…Are you coming tonight? - Not likely. Unless John will come.
Don't be silly!Don't be stupid.Come on, don’t be silly! It doesn’t cost so much!
Don’t worry I can make it on my own.Don't worry, I can handle it myself.Can I help you with a car? - No thank you. I'll make it on my own.
Easy!Calm down/Don't get into trouble.Easy! Easy! I'm walking away!
You know better than that.You are not as simple as you seem.I had no idea you could act like this. You know better than that.
Get lost!Disappear! /Get lost!
That's the whole point.That's the whole point.I wanted to invite her but her ex-husband has to come. That's the whole point.
I haven’t given it much thought.I haven't/haven't thought about it yet.Are you going to come to Paris for a while? I haven’t given it so much thought.
It makes things easier.It’s easier (to experience/endure pain) this way.Please, let's go out. You have to change the decorations - it makes things easier
Get out of my way!Get out of my way!
I couldn't reach you.I couldn't reach you.What happened to your phone? I couldn’t reach you all day long!
It’s not that I don’t…It's not that I don't...Do you love her? Are you going to marry her? It’s not that I don’t love her but... I’m not sure if I want her that much.
Hear me out!Listen to me!Please, hear me out! I have something to say!
I don't give a damn/a shit.I don't care / don't care.
So far so good.So far so good.What about your new job? - So far so good.
I mean it.Honestly.I want to marry you. I mean it.
Don't mention that.Let's not talk about this.I heard you lost some money in that new project. - Don’t mention that.
You bet!Still asking!Do you need some help? You bet!
Let happen whatever would happen.Come what may.I wrote in the exam what I could. Let happen whatever would happen!
Let's get to the point.Let's get to the point.I just wanted to ask if it’s possible to do something for me... - Let’s get to the point.
Sounds good to me.It suits me.The price for this laptop is 350$. - Sounds good to me.
You'll hear from me.I'll let you know/inform you about myself.You'll hear from me right after I get the place. Don't worry.
Whatever is to be will be.Which have not be avoided.
Time's up.Time is over.Time's up. I'm collecting your tests.
It serves you/somebody right.Serves you right.It serves you right. You played so bad with her!
Tell them whatever you want, I don’t give a shit!Tell them what you want - I don't care!
It's going to be alright.Everything will be fine.Stop crying. It's not worth it. Everything is going to be alright.
Get it?Understand?First I need to finish the task and do washing-up. Only after I can go for a walk. Get it? Ok, no problem. I'm waiting for your call.
What is it taking so long?Why so long? / What’s holding you back so much?- I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours! What is it taking so long? - They checked all papers! I thought I was going crazy!
So what?So what? /So what of that?I bought a new car! So what?
Are you kidding?Are you kidding?I'm going to leave the school. - Are you kidding?
What if I refuse?What if I refuse?You have to fill all documents before you get it. - What if I refuse?
What's the use of?What is the point? / For what?What's the use of worrying about it?

Calm down.- Calm down.
Coffee? If it is no bother.- Coffee? If it's not difficult.
Come on. Let's get this over with.- Let's finish this matter.
Do you want me to help you? You bet!- Do you want me to help you? Still asking!
Don't be silly.- Don't be stupid. Don't be stupid.
Don't mention that.- Don't talk about it.
Don’t worry, I can make it on my own.- Don't worry, I can handle it myself.
Don't worry. Relax.- Don't worry. Calm down. Relax.
Get lost.- Disappear. Get out of here. Get lost.
Get out of my way.- Get out of my way.
Hear me out!- Listen to me!
Here's what we'll do.- We'll do this.
I couldn't reach you.- I couldn't reach you.
I don't give a damn.- I don't care.
I don't mind.- I have nothing against.
I haven’t given it much thought.- I haven't thought about it yet.
I mean it.- Honestly. I speak sincerely.
I meant only the best.- I only wanted the best.
I think so.- I think so.
I want to buy your house. I mean it.- I want to buy your house. Honestly.
It beats me.- That beats me.
It makes things easier.- It's easier.
It never crossed my mind that we would find this treasure.
It never occurred to me that we would find this treasure.
It never occurred to me to ask where she’d been.
It never occurred to me to ask where she was.
It serves you right.- Serves you right.
It was not that he didn’t love her.- It's not that he doesn't love her.
It's going to be all right.- Everything will be fine.
It's not that I want to stay here.- It’s not that I want to stay here.
Let happen whatever would happen.- Let it be what will be.
Let's get to the point. Let's hold to reason.- Let's get down to business.
No reason in particular. - Just. For no particular reason.
Not likely. Unless you want to continue our discussion.
Probably no. Unless you want to continue our discussion.
So far so good. - So far everything is going well.
Sounds good to me. - That's fine for me.
Suit yourself, but I’ve got a work to do and I won’t go to Paris.
It's your choice, but I need to do something, and I won't go to Paris.
Suit yourself.- As you wish. Your will. Do as you please.
Tell him whatever you want, I don’t give a shit.
You can tell him whatever you want - I don't care.
Tend to your own affairs.- Better mind your own business. Mind your own business.
That's the whole point.- That's the whole point.
Think it over.- Think carefully.
Time's up.- Time is over.
Whatever is to be will be.- Which have not be avoided.
Why do you ask? No reason in particular.- Why do you ask? Just.
You are on the right track.- You are on the right track. You are thinking correctly.
You bet!- Still asking!
You have a point there.- Here you are right. It is truth too.
You know better than that.- But you are not so simple.
You'll hear from me.- I'll let you know.
You'll make it.- You will do this.

1. I don't mind. - I have nothing against it.
2. I think so. - Agree.
3. Easy! - Take it easy. Don't get into trouble. Calm down.
4. You"ll make it. - You can do it.
5. That's the whole point. - That's the whole point.
6. Calm down. - Calm down.
7. Don't worry. Relax. - Don't worry. Calm down. Relax.
8. It makes things easier. - It’s easier (to experience / endure pain) this way.
9. I haven't given it much thought. - I haven't/haven't thought about it yet. (about plans for the future)
11. You"ll hear from me. - I'll let you know/let you know about myself.
10. It serves you/smb. right. - Serves you/anyone right.
12. It's going to be all right.- Everything will be fine.
13. You bet! - Still asking!
14. Sounds good to me. - That's fine for me.
15. - Do you want me to help you? - You bet! - Do you want me to help you? - Still asking!
16. Time's up. - Time is over.
18. I couldn't reach you. - I couldn't reach you.
17. Hear me out! - Listen to me!
19. Let happen whatever would happen. - Let it be what will be.
20. I mean it. - Honestly. / I speak sincerely.
21. It never crossed my mind (that)... -
22. Don't mention that. - Don't talk about it.
23. Get out of my way. - Get out of my way.
24. Get lost. - Disappear. Get out of here. Get lost.
25. Tell him whatever you want, I don't give a shit. - You can tell him whatever you want - I don't care.
26. I don't give a damn / a shit - I don't care, I don't care: Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason.
27. You have a point there. - You are right here. / It is truth too.
28. I want to buy your house. I mean it. - I want to buy your house. Honestly.
29. Let's get to the point. Let's hold to reason. - Let's get down to business.
30. So far so good. - So far everything is going well.
31. It"s not that I don"t... - Not that I don't...:
32. Don't be silly. - Don't be stupid. Don't be stupid.
33. It was not that he didn't love her. - It's not that he doesn't love her.
34. You know better than that. - And you are not as simple (as you seem).
35. Don't worry, I can make it on my own. - Don't worry, I can handle it myself.
36. Not likely. Unless... - Probably no. If only...:
37. Why do you ask? - No reason in particular.
38. No reason in particular. - Just. For no particular reason:
39. Suit yourself. - As you wish. Your will. Do as you please:
40. Suit yourself, but I"ve got a work to do and I won"t go to Paris. - It's your choice, but I need to do something, and I won't go to Paris.
41. I meant only the best.- I only wanted the best.
42. It never occurred to me that... - It never occurred to me that...
43. Tend to your own affairs. - Better mind your own business. / Mind your own business.
44. Come on. Let's get this over with. - Let's finish this matter.
45. Think it over. - Think carefully.
46. Coffee? - If it is no bother. - Coffee? - If it's not difficult.
47. You are on the right track. - You are on the right track. You are thinking correctly.
48. Whatever is to be will be. - Which have not be avoided.
49. Here's what we'll do. - We'll do this.
50. It beats me. - That beats me.