He ran away and was shot at. He ran away... People shot at him... (continuation of the topic). The unborn baby spoke

He was running away... People were shooting at him... Falling with his paw into the loose snow, the wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation, since there is nothing worse than man...

We have been saying for too long that man is the King of Nature, we have been arrogant and self-important, and now we understand more and more clearly that man is only an insignificant part of Nature, completely dependent on Her.

I had a successful hunt the other day,
I easily found the wolves' lair.
I immediately shot the she-wolf with shot,
My dog ​​killed two of her puppies.

He already boasted to his wife about his booty,
How a wolf howl was heard in the distance,
But this time it’s something unusual.
He was saturated with grief and melancholy.

And the next morning,
Although I sleep quite soundly,
A rumble at the house woke me up,
I ran out the door in what I was wearing.

A wild picture appeared before my eyes:
There was a huge wolf standing near my house.
The dog was on a chain, and the chain didn't reach,
And he probably wouldn’t have been able to help.

And next to him stood my daughter,
And she happily played with his tail.
There was nothing I could do at that moment to help,
And she didn’t understand what was in danger.

We met the wolf's eyes.
“The head of that family,” I immediately realized,
And he just whispered with his lips:
“Don’t touch your daughter, you’d better kill me.”

My eyes filled with tears,
And the daughter with the question: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” -
Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up,
He pressed her to himself with one hand.

And the wolf left, leaving us alone.
And it didn’t harm either my daughter or me,
For the pain and grief I caused him,
For the death of his she-wolf and children.

He took revenge.
But he took revenge without bloodshed.
He showed that he is stronger than people.
He conveyed his feeling of pain to me.
And he made it clear that I killed CHILDREN.

He ran away... People shot at him...
Falling into the loose snow with your paw,
The wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation
And there is no beast more terrible than man.

And at this moment, hundreds of kilometers away,
A terrible sentence was carried out:
There's a little girl out there somewhere
This is the fourth time I've had an abortion.

The baby screamed, but no one listened to the scream.
He called for help: “Mommy, wait!!” !
Give me a chance to be needed by you!
Give me the opportunity to live! After all, I’m alive!!!”

And the wolf ran... The dogs were tearing at his throat...
Drunk people screaming in the forest
They've almost completely caught up with him,
The wolf raised his muzzle and wiped away a tear...

The baby screamed, bursting into tears,
How scary it is to die without being born!
And trying to hide from the piece of iron,
He dreamed of looking into his mother's eyes.

But “mom” doesn’t need this -
It has become unfashionable, you see, to give birth!
She wastes her soul on stupidity,
It’s “not a bad idea” to kill your children.

And the wolf fell exhausted... It was necessary -
He led the barbarians away from the she-wolf -
She was left alone with the wolf cubs,
When he took the sentence upon himself...

The dogs tore his body to shreds,
But you just can’t tear a wolf’s soul!
His happy soul rushed into the sky -
It makes sense to die for the sake of children! !

And who, tell me, is the beast really?
And why is this age disgusting?
But animals are simply more humane than us,
And there is no beast more terrible than man!

And wolves are much kinder than people,
Much more orderly in the pack.
And, for the sake of a warmer place,
They don't eat each other...

And it’s time for people to learn from them,
Don't hide your grin hypocritically,
And do not betray for the sake of your goals,
Living like jackals and bitches...

And wolves are more humane than people.
Money can't buy their loyalty...
And, bravely risking his life,
They are not afraid to be leaders.

And people, alas, are in a hurry to cave in,
Feeling the taste of money in my gut...
And wolves raise real wolf cubs
And they don’t forgive themselves for weakness...

And people call people animals,
Not knowing that animals may
They call each other people in their hearts,
It is impossible to call it stronger...

After all, people of dreams betray their friends,
Slavery is more precious to them than freedom...
And wolves are much smarter than people.
Their hares are not worried about income...

They don't look at the bear, they're a wallet
And they don’t vote for squirrels.
But people are often cruel,
After all, he is greedy, envious and petty.

In a one-faced crowd, in a crazy crowd -
People who are like wolves
Not to be met, because in life they are also in fate
They remained their own leaders.

Depend on other people's opinions and ideas -
Well, isn't this torture?
Here is the wolf's warmth from his she-wolf,
And people from gold bullion...


Once upon a time my soul lived and warmed many.
And she didn’t have a single shisha - that’s the thing.
She wanted to do everything - she was burning,
She wanted to sing songs... And, by the way, she sang.
But the one who knows everything in full, who will pay for everything,
He said that she was out of time, she was out of place.
And so as not to worry yourself, passing the shallows,
She went, began to wander, as if on a panel.
To be honest, she lied... And mocked
But I couldn’t do one thing - I didn’t change.
A small piece of me from my ancestors is ringing,
She dreamed of being a soul, not a soul.
She lived without fear of scum, playing poetry,
And she doesn’t know that they dipped her in the mud.
And the fact that all her relatives are in the quarries,
She, without listening to me, remembers everything, remembers.
It hurts, sings and bleeds completely without tears,
And he’s not silent, he’s not silent, even though he knows it’s too late.
And he explains to me - to the bottom, reach the edge...
Don't change - I only need you like this!!


When eyes cry, everyone sees...
When the soul cries, it's a mystery...
Only those tears of soul
Someone will still notice by chance...

Reflected by pain in the eyes,
They freeze on your face like white marble...
Bitter taste on clenched lips,
They will hide without leaving their souls...

The soul cannot lie,
She's incapable of pretending...
But again on sharp turns,
Someone is inflicting wounds on her viciously...

And having fallen into someone's angry trap,
The soul begins to sob, growing heavier...
Because of all the terrible wounds,
No mental suffering more painful...

And when there is a trace of hopelessness,
Pain cuts through the soul,
Once again, wrapped in an old blanket,
The soul is quietly crying, freezing...

When the soul howls in anguish,
When insult hurts your heart,
I'll take my favorite poems -
And your soul will immediately become warmer.
When someone slashes my soul,
Unfair and absurd accusation,
The soul will find salvation in poetry,
And inspiration will return to the heart again.
The grievances will seem like nonsense,
Anxieties and losses will be forgotten,
And I will wash myself with fresh water
And again I will believe in a beautiful life.
It's great that in a sea of ​​harsh words,
The very ones that are capable of mutilating,
There is an island of wonderful poems,
That a kind line heals the heart.

Every soul has a secret corner.
Neither relatives nor friends can go there.
There are plans and secrets side by side
They are born at any time of the year...
There laughter and tears live side by side,
Dreams, memories of the past.
The best flowers always bloom there,
When the soul is so sick of bitterness...
There's the first kiss, the fervor of dates,
There is fear and pain of irrevocable loss.
And the thoughts there are light, bright, pure,
And life becomes a little clearer...
No one entered there without asking.
We guard our secrets with our hearts.
And a reserved little hiding place
He leaves with us, closing the door.

Have you, people, met a wounded soul?
Have you ever touched her?
I’ll break my silence for a short time,
And again, I’ll tell you about her...

The soul was given for the happiness of man,
We love with all our souls, we sing with all our souls...
But apparently there is a balance in everything,
We suffer in soul and drink bitterness.

It is not easy to understand our soul century after century,
But I know for sure, I’m just convinced,
There is no more beautiful person in this world,
Who is endowed with kindness of soul!

And who said that time will heal everything?
That wounds heal from the inside?
Yes, time is a good doctor, but it cripples the soul,
Sometimes it's so simple, don't say it...

After all, our body is perishable, only our soul is immortal!
Mental wounds will never be healed...
And why then, when the soul suffers,
Is she usually silent in grief?

To each other, people, be more merciful,
Don't say hurtful words in vain...
After all, we are all just guests in this complex world,
The soul is doomed to another world.

When you can't return anything
Don't cry, don't be angry. Life is a spiral race
And no matter how we resurrect anything
A different turn - a completely different essence

Whatever the turn, it’s a turning point in life
Those who have passed away will not be born again
You can't get drunk with spring moisture in summer
And don't fly with a broken wing

We all live, sometimes repenting, sometimes sinning.
By breaking... someone else's, we are building our own destiny
For the sake of opinions, principles, foundations
Sometimes forgetting that there is still a SOUL

And you're going down this path
Where no one can change the rules.
Yesterday has passed... I left you...

When your soul gets tired of being a soul,
Becoming indifferent to someone else's grief,
And the May forest with its warmth and dampness
It will no longer amaze you with its uniqueness,
When your humor leaves you,
And shame and pride will endure someone’s lies, -
This means that you are dead...
Although you will think
that you live.

I hid... I always hid everything in my soul...
I shoved everything into the chest in my heart...
There was so much junk there...
But one day...sometimes in the evening
I forgot the key in the open door...
Passers-by walked slowly past...
Not daring to touch the door...
They all looked like me...
Everyone carried their own bag over their hearts...
So I would walk hunchbacked all my life
With a heavy burden...screaming desperately...
The wind suddenly blew... like a shovel
I scooped everything up... and took it away... by accident...
My heart felt so light...
And the soul breathed freely again...
I'll leave the key in the open door...
There...yesterday...suddenly love fluttered...

Sometimes the dream comes too late,
Trying to destroy the way of life.
The soul screams, thunderstorms rage in the heart,
But reason brings us back.
And sometimes you're afraid of ruining everything,
Lose the leisurely rhythm of life.
You hide your wounded soul deep down,
And your mind teaches you and repeats:
“Forget, throw away unnecessary suffering,
Life is settled, it’s too late to change everything.
Dreams will go away like a first date
And there’s no point in destroying and breaking everything.”
Our mind does not allow our heart to listen.
Start over? What will we come to?
Shall we open our souls to someone?
What if we don’t find understanding?
And we are silent, and again we carry within ourselves,
Your hopes, your wildest dreams.
Why do we ask fate for something?
Afraid to switch to "you" with yourself.

Life has many wonderful moments,

But the main thing is that the soul does not get tired.
Able to love when it's cold and slush,
And I could cry out of happiness.

Life has a lot of rapids and potholes,
But we need to move, get to the pier.
Let him meet love, you still got there,
And I finally found my happiness.

We have little time in life,
And she outlined so much for us to do!
Don't waste it, burn bright
Shine with your soul,

talk about love!


In poetry, soul speaks to soul,
Hearts sing in a sublime duet.
Let the ashes be words. But like a meteorite
The Poet's symphony pierces the darkness.

Poetry is the consonance of our souls.
Having abandoned the tiresome disputes,
Fencing off from the eternal cold,
The soul becomes in tune with the soul.

Oh, mystery: the sacred world of verse -
It's like listening to someone else's heart...
They yell when the soul is deaf.
Here there is only a whisper: “I kiss your Soul...”

You understand my vulnerable soul...
And accept me for who I am...
Like a speck of dust, driven around the world...
Not finding where to settle...
You understand my tender heart...
Tired of living from resentment...
In this world where we are without hope
We will not learn to believe, love...
You understand that my tears are infrequent...
I always try to hold them back...
Someone's terrible words hurt...
Can rudeness be accepted?...
You understand and love...I am a woman...
I want your protection...
Everything in this life is so changeable...
You - understand... I - can understand...

The soul must touch the soul.
And from the touch - tremble.
Come to life, thaw, perk up,
Release your grip for a moment.
Understand fire resistance.
To the touch. Width and depth.
Like fingers holding a guitar
They touch the string with caution.
Soul with soul must merge.
In one chord, in one groan.
Continuing to be amazed
What can be simple. In unison.
A soul owes another soul
Understand instantly and accept.
And learn to listen silently.
Or, more precisely, touch...
Then the Eighth Wonder of the World!
The awakened blood will boil,
Appearing in the predawn haze
Love born for you!

My open soul is like a wound
It's easy to add salt to it
an unkind word or deception
we hurt so easily

how you often offend your loved ones
we keep our rights
but how simply encouraging
whisper - I'll hold you!

Is it so difficult to understand another?
after all, we are all children of the creator,
you can reach your heart
where there is no lock.

don't put a lock on your heart
he won't help you on your way
only with God in the heart
we can gain strength!

If suddenly it’s autumn in your heart,
Don't be sad.
If the soul asks for freedom,
Let go.
Don't beat yourself up in vain
Do not be sorry.
If everything isn't so great,
Don't shed any tears.
After every sunset
There is dawn.
You are not to blame for anything -
Here is the answer.
For any cold winter
There is spring.
The river of life is full-flowing
There must be.
Days fly by like a fast train
Catch up.
We ourselves write the story of life,
Well, take a chance.
If you suddenly stumble along the way,
Do not Cry.
Look back, shake yourself off
And live.
To the bright sun with your palm
And the horses of sadness will rush away -

My soul, don’t ask to come out
After all, the world is cruel, they won’t forgive you your freedom
Notice how as soon as someone opens their soul
They try to spit at her right away.

If you leave, you will be torn into pieces, dissolved and weighed,
But no, they’ll make holes in you,
If you want to fly, your wings will be torn off on the spot
Or they will simply incinerate you with envy.

Understand - freedom is not only songs.
And hard work or sometimes struggle
If you want to fly, then let's fly together
Where fate will take you and me.

But more than spitting, you fear the cage
Not the cells of the ribs - this is nonsense,
But be afraid of the cage of the words “this is not allowed!”
“leave this one where it is”
There is no way back from this cage.

Stay, my dear, and don’t ask to come out
Outside there is anger, pain and vanity.
Tell me and I won’t disturb your peace of mind
But no, we can fly together!

Only loved ones tear our souls... without asking...
They look with mockery at the corpses of broken hopes...
They break into the heart without fear and unnecessary questions...
And they hit the patient, having felt the last line.

Only loved ones... will turn us inside out.
At breakneck speed they will drop it at the last moment.
And they will throw out the past, like love - an impostor...
And affection is an unnecessary and simplest argument...

But only with your loved ones can you get drunk on your dreams...
Conduct dialogues with the stars from the roof of heaven.
Play the “fool” of desire with someone’s fate,
And again find yourself in the invisible world of wonders...


What does a soul in love look like?
Like a moth - tender and defenseless,
desperately rushing into the fire of love,
she is too secretive in her deep feelings

What does a soul in love look like?
A beautiful angel of poetry and prose,
and hundreds of meanings in the lines of the vorosh,
She takes words seriously...

What does a soul in love look like?
The only one with eyes of slight sadness,
and a masterful pencil sketch
my gentle gaze will not let go for a long time.

What does a soul in love look like?
A fate that is difficult to prevent...

What a thin string
What is called Soul.
Touched her a little mentally,
She sings, but... how and what?

It depends, as always,
From those who are nearby... Sometimes
From the thoughts that come to us
In an empty apartment at night.

From mood, love
And how happy you are.
What a thin string
What is called Soul...

She's a lighthouse, she's a star
Or an abyss, an abyss, darkness.
She sleeps sweetly as a child,
Or soars proudly like a bird.

He will become a lion and rush into battle
Or a hare looking for peace.
Then suddenly I'm sick
And the blues knock her off her feet.

Drives away death and sings a song,
Then he suddenly wilts and sheds tears.
What a thin string
What is called Soul...

We torment each other's souls,
Day after day, from century to century,
And there's nothing to be done about it
This is how man is made.

All his life he rushes about, looking for everything,
Mythical, ethereal ideal,
Without noticing that along the way,
I broke the soul of another.

We confess our love to each other,
Fingers crossed for good luck
Then, having cooled down, we part,
And of the two, only one cries.

Love always sneaks quietly
A merciless and predatory beast,
And after drinking your blood, he leaves,
Leaving the door wide open.

Then he marches in victory,
Shining like a morning star
And spreads the earth with scarlet blood,
Hearts ruined by self.

All I'm trying to say here is
Not a crystal of truth, but not a lie either,
Remember, if you have your head in the clouds,
You will fall sooner or later.

And yet I want to console you,
There are exceptions, but they are few,
Those who do not look for the ideal in others,
They can fly forever without falling.

Sometimes the soul is naive... like a kid! She will clap her hands with joy, just cuddle the dove and give her a lollipop, she will snuggle and believe that she is good... And she will lay grass under her feet, marveling when they madly trample her feet, and believe... naive and funny that they chose her alone... out of many! Childishly, with the same simplicity, when she feels bad, she bursts into tears loudly, because she thought forever, not just for a while! The cross is strong enough... the soul will not be strained...

Your old scarf neither suffocates nor warms:
If he presses you, don’t let him in for a noose.
Happiness was once a burden for us;
Some will agree, and some will bark.
Lurex has faded - yesterday it was gilded -
Silver sneaks into the braids,
You say: I'm still the same girl
Well, I: you’re wrong, Autumn...
You're wrong, honey, come on,
I soon grew old in soul,
Requests went unanswered
In the starched morning gloom,
The one you knitted yourself
On the gloomy dawn of November;
Don't push for pity, my dear,
Don't give bitter berries.
You say: it will turn white and cool down,
Well, and I: it will turn white and drown...
You burn out in a bloody mountain ash,
You fade away in an aspen groan...

It turned white and cold - not a sound,
The feeling of snow is bottomless...
Near Autumn - a homeless bitch -
He licks his palms with gratitude..

The clouds are crumbling into drops,
Sadness is spreading outside the window...
It was the angels in the sky who cried,
Shedding tears like rain.

We didn't see each other in the crowd,
They didn’t recognize me, they didn’t look up...
The angels, our guardians, are crying,
About the love that passed us by.

What a pity that dreams don't come true,
How painful it is to be alone again...
The rain pours in through the open windows, -
The angels are crying with me.

Who invented this strange pain,
What is so difficult to endure and overcome?!..
My invisible angel is crying bitterly, -
He won't be able to help now...

The sky is falling down in streams,
Angels are crying. Silently, without words.
Drops of tears touch the cheeks -
Kisses of unfulfilled dreams...

My soul is completely calm. After all the hurricanes
I'm watching the sunset on the edge of the void...
Under the Constellation of Wanderings, between dreams and fogs,
The paper boat of dreams is sailing away.

Good luck! I'm letting go. Fair wind.
Bewitched by a smile, the romance of meetings,
The sparkle of the eyes and tender love and light
My boat is magical. I will take care

An island of your memory, a sunny beach,
Protected pier from storms and troubles
For a dream, because one day I believe
I happen to meet a paper boat.

Wrapped in the scarf of your hope,
Licking the sea salt from my lips,
I'm standing on a deserted coast
And again I look into the distance, like that Assol.

There, behind you, is your city. It's destroyed.
The snow covered the traces of the losses.
Who's crying over the rubble? He's not needed.
There is life in a different reality now.

And I'm not crying - it's just splashing
Run down your cheeks. There's a storm today.
Broken dream... I wish I could get completely drunk!
And there is even cognac, or better yet, rum.

Winter... Winter is endless.
And the wind does not change - east...
Make yourself the word “Eternity” from pieces of ice
I, like Kai, could do it. One hundred percent.

Forget yourself. Listen to the wind, the cries of seagulls...
One... Salty-bitter taste in the mouth...
I wander along the coast. I notice
That I’m already looking for my ship in the port.

I'm on my way. I take away the sound of the surf
And the sparkle in the eyes, the color of caramel,
And memory is everything that happened... not with me,
And in the song of the wind the name is Daniel.

A little below the lips, a little above the heart -
There the Soul lives, without a window, without a door.
She is free, like a flock of birds,
When it’s easy for her, she melts like wax,
When there is at least a little light in the Soul -
She is like May, no... a piece of summer!
When an armful of false phrases is thrown,
Just below the eyes, gently, like a paw,
He wipes away the wet mark and sighs in pain -
There is no protection here - like a handful of salt
Thrown to where a little higher are the lips...
And it always hurts more when we love you very much...
A little below the lips, a little above the heart...

Hello dear friends. Today I would like to show you a poem by one woman - Elena Bedretdinova. This verse captivated me with its truthfulness and beauty. This is something everyone should read. This verse is one of my favorites. I hope you like it too.

He was running away... people were shooting at him...

Falling into the loose snow with your paw,

The wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation...

And there is no beast more terrible than MAN...

And at this moment, hundreds of kilometers away,

The death sentence was being carried out...

There's a little girl out there somewhere

This is the fourth time I’ve had an abortion...

The baby was screaming!!! But no one listened to the scream...

He called for help: “MOMMY, WAIT!!!

Give me a chance to be needed by you!!!

Give me the opportunity to live!!! After all, I’m alive!!!”

And the wolf ran... the dogs were tearing at his throat...

Drunk people were screaming in the forest...

They have almost completely caught up with him...

The wolf raised his muzzle and wiped away a tear...

The baby screamed, bursting into tears...

How scary it is to DIE FOR NOT BORN!

And trying to hide from the piece of iron,

He dreamed of looking into his mother’s eyes...

But “mom” doesn’t need this...

It has become unfashionable, you see, to give birth...

She is wasting her soul on stupidity...

It’s “not a bad idea” to kill your children...

And the wolf fell exhausted... it was necessary...

He took the BARBARS away from the she-wolf...

She was left alone with the wolf cubs,

When he took the sentence upon himself...

The dogs tore his body to shreds!

But you just can’t tear a wolf’s soul!!!

His happy soul rushed into the sky!!!


And who, tell me, is the beast really?

And why is this age disgusting???


And there is no beast more terrible than MAN!!!

I'm sure you liked it. This verse touches the soul. It’s good that there are people among us who can feel the world’s problems such as: abortion, drugs, alcohol, animal husbandry, etc. I hope many will think about this. And that's all. See you and bye.

He ran away... People shot at him...

Falling into the loose snow with your paw,

The wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation

And there is no beast more terrible than man.

And at this moment, hundreds of kilometers away,

A terrible sentence was carried out:

There's a little girl out there somewhere

This is the fourth time I've had an abortion.

The baby was screaming!!! But no one listened to the scream.

He called for help: “Mommy, wait!!!

Give me a chance to be needed by you!

Give me the opportunity to live! After all, I’m alive!!!”

And the wolf ran... The dogs were tearing at his throat...

Drunk people were screaming in the forest...

They've almost completely caught up with him,

The wolf raised his muzzle and wiped away a tear...

The baby screamed, bursting into tears,

How scary it is to die without being born!

And trying to hide from the piece of iron,

He dreamed of looking into his mother's eyes.

But “mom” doesn’t need this -

It has become unfashionable, you see, to give birth!

She wastes her soul on stupidity,

It's so easy to kill your children.

And the wolf fell exhausted... It was necessary -

He led the barbarians away from the she-wolf -

She was left alone with the wolf cubs,

When he took the sentence upon himself...

The dogs tore his body to shreds,

But you just can’t tear a wolf’s soul!

His happy soul rushed into the sky -

It makes sense to die for the sake of children!!!

And who, tell me, is the beast really?

And why is this age disgusting?

But animals are simply more humane than us,

And there is no beast more terrible than man!

An old lady walked alone

Through the yard, on the way home,

And a little further away there's a little girl

The lame dog was scared...

She screamed loudly, trembled,

I wave the doll, pressing it to my chest,

She ran to her mother,

With a cry: Mommy, protect me!

Mom smiled at her daughter

She took a deep breath, bending over,
And the old lady suddenly staggered

And she sank down, holding her heart.

There is no surprise in that ringing cry

Completed the breakdown in my heart,

A phrase said by a child

Reminded her of the past...

Years of carefree youth,

He gave her confidence

He spoke about the love of the heart,

And, having learned about the stomach, he ran away.

"If he doesn't need care,

“The same for me,” the mother reasoned,

And inside there is someone invisible

He let her know about himself:

"It's me, it's your child.

You don't see, you can't know
Be patient, I’ll gain strength,

To hug you soon!

In this difficult moment of life,

Don't blame your father or yourself,
I will smile at you

On the bed in the rays of dawn.

All I ask from you is affection,

Even if occasionally, before bedtime,
Read me a fairy tale from a book:

"Teremok" or "cat's house"

You won’t notice how growing,

I will become your assistant
I love you, darling,

I will be in joy and in trouble."

Hear a girl - period, no!
And she knocked decisively

At the appointed hour, to the office...

She wanted to free herself...

Anesthesia is given and the doctor comes over.
But suddenly, through a dream, a girl

I heard the baby cry.

What seemed completely unimportant

It was moaning and screaming in the chest:

“No, don’t, please, I’m scared!

Mom, protect mommy!"

On that autumn stormy evening

The girl couldn’t sleep at home:
No more children's speech can be heard,

something broke in my heart...

After life, it’s like third class...

I began to grow old alone...
And if there were no fatal abortion,

I could have grandchildren

But today in an instant,

It struck again like thunder,
That distant crime

What she secretly hid inside herself.

The compassionate people gathered:

Validol was put in the mouth,

The guy tried to call the doctors,

By typing a simple code.

Medical people waiting

They contemplated, unable to leave.
How unfortunate, dying,

She repeated - “Sorry, sorry”...

Suddenly the folds of the skin smoothed out...

And peace froze on his face...

And a passerby from the crowd said:

“Apparently someone has forgiven her...”

The unborn baby spoke

The unborn baby said:
“I'm afraid to come into this world...
There are so many unfriendly, evil people here
Prickly eyes, alien smiles...

I'll freeze, I'll get lost there,
I'll get wet in the heavy rain...
Well, who will I quietly snuggle up to?
With whom will I be left alone?...”

The Lord answered him quietly:
“Don’t be sad, baby, don’t be sad...
Good angel, he will be with you
While you mature and grow...

He will undead you, rock you,
Leaning over, singing lullabies.
He will press you tightly to your chest,
It will gently warm you with its wings.

The first tooth, the first step to see yours.
And wipe away the tears with your palm.
And in illness, bending over you,
Remove the heat from your forehead with your lips...

And when, starting to grow up,
You will find your way.
The angel will only watch after you,
Repeating your prayer...”

What is Angela's name? - Tell...
How can I recognize him among thousands?
It doesn't matter at all, baby...
You will call Angel Mom.

He was running away... people were shooting at him...
Falling into the loose snow with your paw,
The wolf knew for sure: there would be no salvation...
And there is no beast more terrible than MAN...

And at this moment, hundreds of kilometers away,
The death sentence was being carried out...
There's a little girl out there somewhere
This is the fourth time I’ve had an abortion...

The baby was screaming!!! But no one listened to the scream...
He called for help: “MOMMY, WAIT!!!
Give me a chance to be needed by you!!!
Give me the opportunity to live!!! After all, I’m alive!!!”

And the wolf ran... the dogs were tearing at his throat...
Drunk people were screaming in the forest...
They have almost completely caught up with him...
The wolf raised his muzzle and wiped away a tear...

The baby screamed, bursting into tears...
How scary it is to DIE FOR NOT BORN!
And trying to hide from the piece of iron,
He dreamed of looking into his mother’s eyes...

But “mom” doesn’t need this...
It has become unfashionable, you see, to give birth...
She is wasting her soul on stupidity...
It’s “not a bad idea” to kill your children...

And the wolf fell exhausted... it was necessary...
He took the BARBARS away from the she-wolf...
She was left alone with the wolf cubs,
When he took the sentence upon himself...

The dogs tore his body to shreds!
But you just can’t tear a wolf’s soul!!!
His happy soul rushed into the sky!!!

And who, tell me, is the beast really?
And why is this age disgusting???
And there is no beast more terrible than MAN!!!


Hello, Elena. I accidentally came across your poem on YouTube. I assumed that I would find the author on the website poetry.ru. Glad you got lucky. Philosophical meaning Your poem cannot be overestimated. People have abandoned the essence and meaning of life, which can be expressed in three theses.
The union of masculine and feminine principles for the continuation of the offspring, and the preservation of the habitat...
However, people accepted his proposed creation of a consumer society, where the meaning of life comes down to obtaining pleasures and pleasures, despite the rapid destruction of the environment, which will ultimately lead to an environmental disaster - apocalypse - Armageddon, the Last Judgment. It's whatever you want. As an atheist, I’m heading towards an environmental disaster..................
I think that any person who has not lost touch with nature feels the inevitability of a catastrophe if people do not change their aspirations, it’s easier if they do not despise and discard SELFISHNESS with all that it implies.....
And I’m sure your poem helps and will help many, many people to see the light, find the true meaning of life and, with the help of reason, gain wisdom, which will show the way to salvation...
And good luck to you and all the best.......

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